What does your /etc/syslog.conf look like?  Also, what does your tcpserver
start up scripts look like?  

-Aaron Nowalk
|   Systems Engineer - Stargate Industries, LLC   |
| mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www.stargate.net |
|  412.316.7827 <voice> 412.316.7899 <facsimile>  |
             Real Internet. Real Easy

On Wed, 12 Jul 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi Everyone
> This is real URGENT.....
> We just installed a new qmail server with virtual domains... and now to our
> surprise.... no logs files are being generated ( in /var/log/qmail).
> Also In /var/log/qmail-smtpd the log file says... TCP server fatal
> error..unable to bind to address.. address already in use....
> Please note that however all the mails are working perfectly fine and we
> are able to send emails to our users and also to the internet.... including
> the Virtual domains that we had setup...
> Would apprecite if anyone could help us.. REAL FAST...
> Thanks
> Lokesh

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