This sounds to me like a job for smtproutes. 


Michael Hinds writes:

> Hello,
> Our company has always used MS-Exchange for internet e-mail, but we are
> trying to add a Linux/qmail server to the configuration. 
> We're currently using a Raptor firewall to route all SMTP transmissions
> to the MS box. For the sake of example, we'll call our original domain
> What we want to do is host a separate domain on the qmail server (say,
> The problem is, our firewall can't decide where mail is
> destined for, it can only recognise the protocol. So we either have to
> route all mail to qmail and make qmail accept mail for and
> forward all mail to the MS server, or route all mail to the MS
> server and make that accept mail for and forward all
> mail to qmail.
> The first option would be preferrable, but by now I'm willing to try
> anything. I'm having trouble finding any concrete examples or documents
> describing how to do this. I've found lots of ways to forward mail for
> particular e-mail addresses, but not for whole domains. I don't want to
> set up users on the qmail server for all the e-mail users on the MS box.
> I've installed fastforward, but the documentation is skimpy! It points
> me to the aliases docs, which don't appear to tell me how to do this
> either.
> Somebody, please, point me in the right direction!
> Many thanks,
> Michael Hinds

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