
        first of all, sorry for the subject, I didn't know who to clearly
explain what I'm trying to do in a line. My setup is simple: 

        - I've got 2 qmail servers, one co-located and one internal to my
company, with dial-up connection.
        - Both think they are *.scim.net MX
        - Upon dial-up connection, the internal server uses fetchmail to
download mail for local users and I send an ALRM signal to qmail-send. 

        the problem is here: qmail-send sends the remote mail directly to the
recipients MX, and those are somethimes flaky (hotmail accounts,
specially), so it keeps trying for a long time until the mail is sent or
the delay is so long the the connection times out and disconnects. 
        [ important point here, the dial-up connection (through pppd) is set to
hangup when it reached a certain time of inactivity ]

        what I want it to do is:
        - route all the 'remote' mail to the online server.
        - the remote server should RELAY those mail, but ... only from me
(don't really want to be an open relay). But hey! I'm on a dial-up acc
-> dynamic ip ... 

        I really think it *should* be possible to 'route' all my traffic
through the co-located server, but can I keep it from being an open

        thanks in advance, specially if you read this long, long posting!

martin [just getting in terms with qmail]

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