qmail Digest 21 Jul 2000 10:00:01 -0000 Issue 1069

Topics (messages 45073 through 45121):

Error message...
        45073 by: Mario Rafael

dot-qmail with ./named.pipe == invalid argument #4.3.0
        45074 by: Jay J
        45080 by: Chris, the Young One
        45099 by: David Dyer-Bennet

Re: AutoReply Programs
        45075 by: William E. Baxter

Re: General, (Can't find in FAQ)
        45076 by: William D. Wilmoth

Re: How to grab the envelope contents while filtering?
        45077 by: tibbs.joshd.kendle.com
        45083 by: Bruce Guenter
        45085 by: tibbs.joshd.kendle.com
        45086 by: Bruce Guenter
        45087 by: tibbs.joshd.kendle.com
        45092 by: Chris, the Young One
        45095 by: Bruce Guenter
        45096 by: Bruce Guenter

Re: Amavis problems] (fwd)
        45078 by: Rainer Link

patch to qmail-vacation
        45079 by: Robert Sander

Re: qmail-inject problem
        45081 by: William D. Wilmoth
        45082 by: Chris, the Young One
        45098 by: William D. Wilmoth

Re: Announcing qmail-autoresponder version 0.91
        45084 by: Bruce Guenter

the bounce bounced!
        45088 by: michael.renner.gmx.de
        45090 by: Aaron L. Meehan
        45091 by: Dave Sill

Re: help pls
        45089 by: Dave Sill

qmail died again... 3x in 3 weeks
        45093 by: Paul Farber
        45094 by: markd.bushwire.net
        45097 by: Paul Farber
        45101 by: John White
        45103 by: Ricardo Cerqueira

Slow Slow Mail Delivery, Not Trigger Permissions
        45100 by: jca

Maildir support for emacs vm
        45102 by: Erich

qmail: 964126783.245290 delivery 15092: failure: Sorry,_no_mailbo 
        45104 by: Baden Hughes
        45105 by: Ricardo Cerqueira

[OT] Re: Maildir support for emacs vm
        45106 by: Fabrice Scemama

Re: procmail/vpopmail
        45107 by: Chester Chee

avoid mail bomp
        45108 by: Nguyen Hong Son

Unable to send a huge file
        45109 by: Ismal Hisham Darus
        45110 by: markd.bushwire.net
        45111 by: asantos

forced queeuing
        45112 by: mikec.qx.net

new home for qmail-vacation
        45113 by: Peter Samuel

Smtp queue questions
        45114 by: Luca Zancan
        45115 by: Steffan Hoeke

Forwarding Unknown Users & vpopmail
        45116 by: Andrew Hill
        45117 by: Andrew Hill

orbs.org accuses qmail of mailbomb relaying!
        45118 by: Philip, Tim (CNBC Asia)
        45120 by: David Benfell

tcpserver and NAT
        45119 by: Lars Brandi Jensen

553 error code - MAPS?
        45121 by: Thomas Duterme


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    Hi I am checking the logs and I keep geting this error..
Jul 20 13:30:01 svr2 qmail: 964092601.235310 alert: cannot start: unable to open mutex
   Qmail dosent receive nor send any mail, could someone help me and tell me what is "mutex"?.. how can I fix this?.
Mario Rafael

Greetings from a happy new qmail user (first post),

** qmail 1.03
** linux-2.2.16-:i386-:-:pentium-:-

As part of a ritualistic adventure to the edges of qmail sanity, I
brazenly created a fifo to be read by a perl "daemon".

Using a .qmail file in a real-user's home dir that read:


(BTW - I'm also using fastforward, but this is an actual user account
without aliasing)

Long story short -- qmail wrote to the pipe just fine but justifiably
barfs at the end. (Uhh, stat call or something?)

Jul 20 10:43:03 mn qmail: 964089783.401047 delivery 3225: deferral:

So .. I proceeded to create a writer.sh:

cat > ./inmail.pipe

and modified .qmail:

| ./writer.sh

This appears to work fine, as I had hoped.

Why would I do such a crazy thing in the first place?

I've compiled with QUEUE_EXTRA and plan to use it to mangle
incoming/outgoing messages for [EMAIL PROTECTED] & [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

More precisely, I plan to attach ticket # headers, update the "bug
reports" database, and route incoming replies to the sales/support
person who was first to respond. Blah blah blah .. using Perl.

I switched to qmail 1) specifically for QUEUE_EXTRA, 2) security,
security, security, and 3) out of desperation and displeasure with
sendmail (Sorry sendmail hackers).

So why the FIFO? I'm concerned about spawning many-a-Perl at 2.5MB
each on my lowly P75 DNS/Firewall/qmail box. So the idea of a single
reader is attractive ..

Is that crazy? Suggestions? (Other than "Pentium II's are cheap") :-)

-Jay J

p.s. Many thanks for qmail & friends

On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 07:00:04AM -0500, Jay J wrote:
! Long story short -- qmail wrote to the pipe just fine but justifiably
! barfs at the end. (Uhh, stat call or something?)

I think the mailfile() function in qmail-local.c calls fsync() at the
end. If my man page is right, fsync() works only on regular files.

The failure can be attributable to other reasons, but I find the above
to be the most likely explanation.

! Is that crazy? Suggestions? (Other than "Pentium II's are cheap") :-)

Forking is cheap. :-)

        ---Chris K.
 Chris, the Young One |_ but what's a dropped message between friends? 
  Auckland, New Zealand |_ this is UDP, not TCP after all ;) ---John H. 
http://cloud9.hedgee.com/ |_ Robinson, IV  
 PGP: 0xCCC6114E/0x706A6AAD |_ 

Jay J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes on 20 July 2000 at 07:00:04 -0500

 > So why the FIFO? I'm concerned about spawning many-a-Perl at 2.5MB
 > each on my lowly P75 DNS/Firewall/qmail box. So the idea of a single
 > reader is attractive ..
 > Is that crazy? Suggestions? (Other than "Pentium II's are cheap") :-)

AMD K-6's are cheap?  :-)  Compared to what your time is worth....

Write your procedure in C?  

Test performance of the perl version to see if your concerns are
supported?  The 2.5MB each includes considerable code shared between
all invocations on the systems I'm familiar with.
Photos: http://dd-b.lighthunters.net/ Minicon: http://www.mnstf.org/minicon
Bookworms: http://ouroboros.demesne.com/ SF: http://www.dd-b.net/dd-b 
David Dyer-Bennet / Welcome to the future! / [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The qtools package contains replier, a utility for setting up
autorepliers.  It filters each message through a program of your
choice.  That program or your .qmail file can deliver the message in
addition to generating a reply.


On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 06:16:26PM +1000, Brendan Laws wrote:
> Hi there peoples,
>       Does anyone know of a good auto reply program, that does both,
> autoreply and still deliver mail to the user?
> thank you
> Brendan

You need to set up selective relaying.  Here are a couple of links you
should take a look at:

 http://qmail-docs.surfdirect.com.au/docs/qmail-antirelay.html  this one may
be dead.

"Jonathan D. Poole" wrote:

> I was hopeing some of you guys could help me understand where to allow
> only say, to be sending through my qmail server.  I can't
> seem to find the docs for this, in specifically to my situation.
> Any help, or pointing to a document, or url, or anything would be
> appreciated.
> Thank You
> Jonathan D. Poole

William D. Wilmoth
Network Administrator
Service Transport, Inc.
Phone: (800) 528 - 1616 x226
Fax:   (931) 520 - 7185

Visit us on the web: http://www.service-transport.com

Actually, I was looking at the release notes, not the man page, but yes I
should have known that from version 1.0. Thanks.

As for the empty messages, I found that if my filter has no output a blank
message is sent to the envelope recipients. I circumvented by this
modification to qmail-qfilter.c v1.0:

/* remap the appropriate FDs and exec qmail-queue */
int run_qmail_queue(int tmpfd, int envpipe[2])
struct stat mystat;
struct stat *ptr_mystat;
if (mystat.st_size > 5){
  if(close(envpipe[1]) == -1 ||
     dup2(tmpfd, 0) != 0 || close(tmpfd) == -1 ||
     dup2(envpipe[0], 1) != 1 || close(envpipe[0]) == -1 ||
     close(2) == -1)
    return QQ_WRITE_ERROR;
  return QQ_INTERNAL;
return QQ_SUCCESS;

It's kind of a hack, but it works so far. Should I continue to use this method or is 
there a better solution here?

Thanks again for all your help and patience with a newbie. :)


Bruce Guenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 07/19/2000 06:14:42 PM

Subject:  Re: How to grab the envelope contents while filtering?

On Wed, Jul 19, 2000 at 05:01:48PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Yup, I use the mess822 stuff too, but I need envelope addresses, not
> addresses.
> I see now that qmail-qfilter 1.3 sets QMAILRCPTS to the message
> I assume this is envelope recipients. If so, I'm halfway there. I just
> to doctor up 1.3 a little bit to also pass a variable for envelope sender
> (and to drop empty messages). Can anyone confirm?

The same man page tells you that qmail-qfilter sets QMAILUSER and
QMAILHOST to the username and hostname portions of the envelope sender.
Dropping empty messages is something you can do in your filter.
Bruce Guenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       http://em.ca/~bruceg/



On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 09:24:33AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> As for the empty messages, I found that if my filter has no output a blank
> message is sent to the envelope recipients. I circumvented by this
> modification to qmail-qfilter.c v1.0:

What are you trying to do?  Why are you not sending any output to
qmail-queue?  qmail-qfilter allows you to filter the headers and body of
a messages before it reaches qmail-queue.
Bruce Guenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       http://em.ca/~bruceg/

PGP signature

I have a filter the looks at file attachments in the message. If certain
file types are attached, the message delivery is stopped (ie. no output
from the filter). Without the qmail-qfilter hack, qmail-queue gets only the
envelope and sends what amounts to an empty message to the envelope
recipients. With the hack, if the message is < 5 characters, qmail-queue is
not run.


Bruce Guenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 07/20/2000 12:13:03 PM

Subject:  Re: How to grab the envelope contents while filtering?

On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 09:24:33AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> As for the empty messages, I found that if my filter has no output a
> message is sent to the envelope recipients. I circumvented by this
> modification to qmail-qfilter.c v1.0:

What are you trying to do?  Why are you not sending any output to
qmail-queue?  qmail-qfilter allows you to filter the headers and body of
a messages before it reaches qmail-queue.
Bruce Guenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       http://em.ca/~bruceg/



On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 12:42:27PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have a filter the looks at file attachments in the message. If certain
> file types are attached, the message delivery is stopped (ie. no output
> from the filter).

If you want to block a message, exit with a permanent error code (ie 31).
Bruce Guenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       http://em.ca/~bruceg/

PGP signature

I saw that in your example, but it causes a delivery failure, which is not
what I want to happen. I need the message to be accepted and silently
dropped if it meets certain criteria. I do the appropriate notification on
the back end.

I suppose qmail-qfilter can be patched so that qmail-queue is not run on a
specific filter exit code, no?


Bruce Guenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 07/20/2000 12:55:28 PM

Subject:  Re: How to grab the envelope contents while filtering?

On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 12:42:27PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have a filter the looks at file attachments in the message. If certain
> file types are attached, the message delivery is stopped (ie. no output
> from the filter).

If you want to block a message, exit with a permanent error code (ie 31).
Bruce Guenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       http://em.ca/~bruceg/



On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 01:18:02PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
! I saw that in your example, but it causes a delivery failure, which is not
! what I want to happen. I need the message to be accepted and silently
! dropped if it meets certain criteria. I do the appropriate notification on
! the back end.

To quote a certain Russ Nelson post, just make a .qmail file containing
simply, ``#''. Anything sent to the associated address will not have any
action taken on them.

If you can get qmail-qfilter to forward stuff to an arbitrary address,
that perhaps is the simplest way.

        ---Chris K.
 Chris, the Young One |_ heartbleed (OpenBSD/i386) has now been up for 
  Auckland, New Zealand |_ all of 22 days, 16:12:29 
http://cloud9.hedgee.com/ |_ 
 PGP: 0xCCC6114E/0x706A6AAD |_ 

On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 01:18:02PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I saw that in your example, but it causes a delivery failure, which is not
> what I want to happen. I need the message to be accepted and silently
> dropped if it meets certain criteria. I do the appropriate notification on
> the back end.
> I suppose qmail-qfilter can be patched so that qmail-queue is not run on a
> specific filter exit code, no?

Yes, that would be the best bet.  I'll pick a new exit code and modify
qmail-qfilter to immediately exit with success without running
Bruce Guenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       http://em.ca/~bruceg/

PGP signature

On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 12:34:21PM -0600, Bruce Guenter wrote:
> Yes, that would be the best bet.  I'll pick a new exit code and modify
> qmail-qfilter to immediately exit with success without running
> qmail-queue.

Just to follow up to myself, would 99 be appropriate?  In a .qmail file,
code 99 means that the delivery was successful, but don't continue with
any other deliveries.  This would be equivalent.
Bruce Guenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       http://em.ca/~bruceg/

PGP signature


Please read below. 

Rainer Link, SuSE GmbH, eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Web: www.suse.de
Developer of  A Mail Virus Scanner (AMaViS): http://amavis.org/
Founder of Linux AntiVirus Project: http://lavp.sourceforge.net/

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 15:50:46 +0200
From: Marc Lehmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Rainer Link <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Amavis problems] (fwd)

On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 11:20:28AM +0200, Rainer Link <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Please read the forwarded message elow. As I'm currently very busy with
> other stuff, I did not tested it. But it sounds like a bug in the new
> Convert-UUlib to me. Thanks
> Can't locate loadable object for module Convert::UUlib in @INC (@INC

Convert::UUlib obviously isn't installed correctly. I doubt this has
anything to do with Convert::UUlib, but rather something with incorrect

      -----==-                                             |
      ----==-- _                                           |
      ---==---(_)__  __ ____  __       Marc Lehmann      +--
      --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /       [EMAIL PROTECTED] |e|
      -=====/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\       XX11-RIPE         --+
    The choice of a GNU generation                       |


I have made a little patch to qmail-vacation. It had the nasty behaviour
to regexp the Delivered-To lines. Very uncomfortable if you are dealing
with virtual domains...
See attachment.

Robert Sander
Epigenomics AG           www.epigenomics.de           Kastanienallee 24
+493024345330                                              10435 Berlin
--- vacation.pl.orig    Thu Jul 20 16:09:37 2000
+++ vacation.pl Thu Jul 20 16:09:51 2000
@@ -411,8 +411,8 @@
     if ($check_to_and_cc)
-       ($to) = ($header =~ /To:\s+(.*)/i);
-       ($cc) = ($header =~ /Cc:\s+(.*)/i);
+       ($to) = ($header =~ /^To:\s+(.*)/i);
+       ($cc) = ($header =~ /^Cc:\s+(.*)/i);
        $to .= ', ' . $cc if $cc;
        $to = lc($to);

I ran the trace and found that I am getting a permissions error at the
receiving users home directory.  So just as a test I ran chmod 744 on
that directory and got the same error. Sorry I am still new at this
permissions game...  What is the deal?  744 should give read to all

Dave Sill wrote:

> "William D. Wilmoth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I am getting the following error when trying to mail from any user
> >without root access:
> >
> >qmail-inject: fatal: read error
> >
> >I am pretty sure that this is a permissions issue, but where???
> Run qmail-inject via a system call tracer (strace/truss/par/etc.) to
> where it's failing.
> -Dave

William D. Wilmoth
Network Administrator
Service Transport, Inc.
Phone: (800) 528 - 1616 x226
Fax:   (931) 520 - 7185

Visit us on the web: http://www.service-transport.com

On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 09:53:41AM -0500, William D. Wilmoth wrote:
!                      What is the deal?  744 should give read to all
! right???

Read permission allows you to list the directory. It does not allow you
to access it; for that you need the execute permission.

Try 0755.

        ---Chris K.
 Chris, the Young One |_ but what's a dropped message between friends? 
  Auckland, New Zealand |_ this is UDP, not TCP after all ;) ---John H. 
http://cloud9.hedgee.com/ |_ Robinson, IV  
 PGP: 0xCCC6114E/0x706A6AAD |_ 

I tried changing permissions to 711 as well still didn't work.

I even tried 777....

The parent directories seem okay as well???

"William D. Wilmoth" wrote:

> I am getting the following error when trying to mail from any user
> without root access:
> qmail-inject: fatal: read error
> I am pretty sure that this is a permissions issue, but where???
> --
> William D. Wilmoth
> Network Administrator
> Service Transport, Inc.
> Phone: (800) 528 - 1616 x226
> Fax:   (931) 520 - 7185
> Visit us on the web: http://www.service-transport.com

William D. Wilmoth
Network Administrator
Service Transport, Inc.
Phone: (800) 528 - 1616 x226
Fax:   (931) 520 - 7185

Visit us on the web: http://www.service-transport.com

On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 09:55:23AM +0200, wolfgang zeikat wrote:
> i installed version 0.92.
> it sends the reply and ignores the message when repeated immediately,
> but it does not quote the original message.
> can it do that?

Yes.  Run "qmail-autoresponder -h" for a complete option listing.

> and if so, can it shorten the original message to lets say 100 K or
> something?

Not yet, but I suppose this would be a good idea.
Bruce Guenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       http://em.ca/~bruceg/

PGP signature

when I mail for an unknown user arraived a bounce
message is generated. But this message bounce,
my smarthost wont deliver that:
Hi. This is the maildirbounce program at terramenta.de.
I tried to deliver a bounce message to this address, but the bounce bounced!

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: said: 503 Valid RCPT TO <recipient> must precede DATA

--- Below this line is the original bounce.

Return-Path: <>
Received: (qmail 2419 invoked for bounce); 20 Jul 2000 16:31:09 -0000

I see the problem: The empty Return-Path, but I don`t
know where to fix this!

Any hints or pointers?
|Michael Renner      E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |
|D-72072 Tuebingen   Germany                          |
mail -s "get pgp key" [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
mail -s "get gpg key" [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
|Don't drink as root!                            ESC:wq

> Hello,
> when I mail for an unknown user arraived a bounce
> message is generated. But this message bounce,
> my smarthost wont deliver that:

> said: 503 Valid RCPT TO <recipient> must precede DATA

Well, the way I read it is that it's saying the *recipient* is not
valid.  Your whole mail situation seems to be complicated by you using
a smarthost that doesn't behave properly, but we can only guess as to
what is really going on with the limited information available.

As an observation, in my opinion, that error message, although
technically correct to a fault, is not worded in such a way that the
average user could understand.  Exim, hmm.

> Return-Path: <>
> Received: (qmail 2419 invoked for bounce); 20 Jul 2000 16:31:09 -0000
> ----------------cut----------------------
> I see the problem: The empty Return-Path, but I don`t
> know where to fix this!

The Return-Path is *supposed to be empty* if the message is a delivery
notification (like a bounce).  Your smarthost should not be caring
whether you send mail with null return-paths.



>Hi. This is the maildirbounce program at terramenta.de.
>I tried to deliver a bounce message to this address, but the bounce bounced!
> said: 503 Valid RCPT TO <recipient> must precede DATA
>--- Below this line is the original bounce.
>Return-Path: <>
>Received: (qmail 2419 invoked for bounce); 20 Jul 2000 16:31:09 -0000

What is "maildirbounce"? It seems to be not speaking proper SMTP. At
least, is claiming that it sent a DATA comamnd before a 
RCPT command, which is seriously wrong. Is this problem repeatable?


Kimberly Vher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>i set up a virtual domain then got this error
>ul 20 15:00:59 tunayna qmail: 964076459.040630 delivery 50: failure:
>Jul 20 15:00:59 tunayna qmail: 964076459.041007 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
>Jul 20 15:00:59 tunayna qmail: 964076459.141130 bounce msg 942563 qp 712
>what is my problem here?

Insufficient data. *How* did you set up the virtual domain? You've
obviously made a mistake, but until we see what you did, we can't tell 
what it was.


Hello all, I had another qmail failure... i say that because qmail seems
to be the only service affected..... I lump tcpserver, smtpd and pop3d in
as qmail for now as I don't have a definative place to look.

Here is the ps output after the crash at 12:35 today:

    1 ?        S      0:51 init
    2 ?        SW     0:01 [kflushd]
    3 ?        SW     0:11 [kupdate]
    4 ?        SW     0:00 [kpiod]
    5 ?        SW     0:04 [kswapd]
    6 ?        SW<    0:00 [mdrecoveryd]
  339 ?        S    657:23 syslogd -m 0
  350 ?        SW     0:00 [klogd]
  366 ?        S      0:00 /usr/sbin/atd
  382 ?        S      0:00 crond
  398 ?        S      0:01 inetd
  414 ?        S      0:01 /usr/local/sbin/sshd
  430 ?        SW     0:00 [lpd]
  463 ?        S      0:02 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpsd
  466 ?        SW     0:00 [gcache]
  485 ?        SW     0:00 [supervise]
  486 ?        S      1:43 splogger qmail
  487 ?        S     32:32 qmail-send
  501 ?        SW     0:00 [supervise]
  502 ?        SW     0:00 [splogger]
  503 ?        S      2:31 tcpserver -p -q -r -c100 -x
  504 ?        S      0:51 qmail-lspawn # Using
qmail-local to deliver messages
  505 ?        S      0:15 qmail-rspawn
  505 ?        S      0:15 qmail-rspawn
  506 ?        S      0:29 qmail-clean
  520 ?        SW     0:00 [supervise]
  521 ?        S      0:30 tcpserver -q -R -H -c100 -x
  535 ?        SW     0:00 [supervise]
  536 ?        S      0:06 tcpserver -q -R -H -c100 -u0 -g0
vmail.f-tech.net pop  
  669 tty2     SW     0:00 [mingetty]
  670 tty3     SW     0:00 [mingetty]
  671 tty4     SW     0:00 [mingetty]
  672 tty5     SW     0:00 [mingetty]
  673 tty6     SW     0:00 [mingetty]
  822 tty1     S      0:00 login -- root
30124 ?        S      0:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpsd
30313 ?        S      0:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpsd
30369 ?        S      0:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpsd
 5254 ?        S      0:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpsd
 5262 ?        S      0:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpsd
 5263 ?        S      0:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpsd
12132 ?        S      0:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpsd
14163 ?        S      0:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpsd
 7065 ?        S      0:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpsd
 8274 ?        S      0:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpsd
21419 ?        S      0:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpsd
21461 ?        S      0:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpsd
21461 ?        S      0:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpsd
21477 ?        S      0:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpsd
22458 ?        S      0:00 in.identd -l -e -o
22637 tty1     S      0:00 -bash
22699 tty1     R      0:00 ps ax

No pop3 or smtp services were available, telnet didn't work either.
I have identd commented out in inet.conf, so I have no idea where it is
coming from, or how it started.

After stopping qmail.init, vpopmail, pop3d and smtpd this is a list of the
new processes:

23026 tty1     S      0:00 supervise /var/lock/qmail qmail-start # Using
qmail-l23027 tty1     S      0:00 splogger qmail
23028 tty1     S      0:00 qmail-send
23029 tty1     S      0:00 qmail-lspawn # Using qmail-local to deliver
23030 tty1     S      0:00 qmail-rspawn
23031 tty1     S      0:00 qmail-clean
23032 tty1     S      0:00 qmail-remote pa-arng.ngb.army.mil
23043 tty1     S      0:00 supervise
/var/lock/qmail-smtpd tcpserver -p -q -r -c
23044 tty1     S      0:00
splogger qmail-smptd
23045 tty1     S      0:00 tcpserver -p -q -r -c100 -x
23056 tty1     S      0:00 supervise
/var/lock/qmail-pop3d tcpserver -q -R -H -c
23057 tty1     S      0:00
tcpserver -q -R -H -c 100 -x /etc/tcprules.d/qmail-pop
23085 tty1     S
0:00 supervise /var/lock/qmail-vpop3d tcpserver -q -R -H -
23086 tty1     S     0:00 tcpserver -q -R -H -c100 -u0 -g0
vmail.f-tech.net pop23092 tty1     S
0:00 qmail-popup vmail.f-tech.net /home/vpopmail/bin/vchkp
23093 tty1     S     0:00 qmail-vpop3d Maildir
23094 tty1     Z     0:00 [tcprules <defunct>]
23100 tty1     S      0:00 qmail-popup mail.f-tech.net checkpassword
23101 tty1     S      0:00 qmail-pop3d Maildir
23341 tty1     S      0:00 qmail-smtpd
23374 tty1     S      0:00 qmail-smtpd

Notice that I have a new pid 23094 tcprules <defunct>, but the pid seems
to indicate that it was from the restart of the services, not the original
ps output.

The mail log just before the stoppage indicates that tcpserver encountered
a huge number of cname lookup failures for outgoing mail..... but DNS was
fine (the main dsn server is still running, and I do not cache entries on
the mail server).

Going the the mail log I see:

Jul 20 11:30:19 mail qmail: 964107019.317584 status: local 1/100 remote
Jul 20 11:30:20 mail qmail: 964107020.447592 delivery 118231: deferral:


Jul 20 11:48:28 mail qmail: 964108108.168548 status: local 0/100 remote
Jul 20 11:48:35 mail qmail: 964108115.918335 delivery 118202: deferral:


Jul 20 12:01:47 mail qmail: 964108907.824767 status: local 0/100 remote
Jul 20 12:01:47 mail qmail: 964108907.917107 delivery 118245: deferral:

Concurrancy went up to 51 for remote, local 1 during the 30 minutes it
took to fail.

ANY ideas??????


Paul Farber
Farber Technology
Ph  570-628-5303
Fax 570-628-5545

On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 02:16:21PM -0400, Paul Farber wrote:
> Hello all, I had another qmail failure... i say that because qmail seems
> to be the only service affected..... I lump tcpserver, smtpd and pop3d in
> as qmail for now as I don't have a definative place to look.
> Here is the ps output after the crash at 12:35 today:

Which looks ok to me. All the processes that are needed, seem to be

> No pop3 or smtp services were available, telnet didn't work either.

What do you mean by "available?". What happened when you tried to connect
to those ports?

> I have identd commented out in inet.conf, so I have no idea where it is
> coming from, or how it started.

What do you expect identd to tell you that's relevant to qmail?

> After stopping qmail.init, vpopmail, pop3d and smtpd this is a list of the
> new processes:

Apart from the qmail-remotes, what relevant differences do you see
between this and the last ps?

> 23026 tty1     S      0:00 supervise /var/lock/qmail qmail-start # Using
> qmail-l23027 tty1     S      0:00 splogger qmail
> 23028 tty1     S      0:00 qmail-send
> 23029 tty1     S      0:00 qmail-lspawn # Using qmail-local to deliver
> messages

Is this a heavily edited 'ps' output? It makes if difficult if it is.

> Notice that I have a new pid 23094 tcprules <defunct>, but the pid seems
> to indicate that it was from the restart of the services, not the original
> ps output.

tcprules hasn't much to do with the running of qmail though.

> The mail log just before the stoppage indicates that tcpserver encountered
> a huge number of cname lookup failures for outgoing mail..... but DNS was
> fine (the main dsn server is still running, and I do not cache entries on
> the mail server).

What do you mean by DNS "was fine"? Do you mean it had reachability to
resolve queries or do you mean that the process was running?

My suspicion is that you lost the ability to do DNS lookups and
that stalled reverse lookups which stalls all processes that want to
do that (such as a wrappered telnet).

> Going the the mail log I see:
> Jul 20 11:30:19 mail qmail: 964107019.317584 status: local 1/100 remote
> 51/100
> Jul 20 11:30:20 mail qmail: 964107020.447592 delivery 118231: deferral:
> qmail-spawn_unable_to_fork._(#4.3.0)/
> and 
> Jul 20 11:48:28 mail qmail: 964108108.168548 status: local 0/100 remote
> 46/100
> Jul 20 11:48:35 mail qmail: 964108115.918335 delivery 118202: deferral:
> Connected_to_24.0.95.29_but_connection_died._(#4.4.2)/
> then 
> Jul 20 12:01:47 mail qmail: 964108907.824767 status: local 0/100 remote
> 47/100
> Jul 20 12:01:47 mail qmail: 964108907.917107 delivery 118245: deferral:
> CNAME_lookup_failed_temporarily._(#4.4.3)/
> Concurrancy went up to 51 for remote, local 1 during the 30 minutes it
> took to fail.

And what do you make of that? The first message tells me that you
haven't given qmail-send enough resources to start all the processes
you've configured it for - but it's not fatal.


telnetting to port 25 and 110 just timed out.  DNS was fine... it means
just that, I could ping via hostname and the dns logs show it was running.
No other host (the web server specifically) showed a dns failure (log
files had hostnames resolved during the 30 minute mail 'outage'.

I have the ps output saved as files, gpm cut/paste will only go so far.

qmail unable to fork is a new one for me.  I have concurrency set to 100,
and ulimit returns unlimited (from the command line).

ulimit -a shows
core file size (blocks)  1000000
data seg size (kbytes)   unlimited
file size (blocks)       unlimited
max memory size (kbytes) unlimited
stack size (kbytes)      8192
cpu time (seconds)       unlimited
max user processes       2048
pipe size (512 bytes)    8
open files               1024
virtual memory (kbytes)  2105343

System memory available:
Mem:  131022848 125976576  5046272  8724480 77127680 23965696
Swap: 41250816  3854336 37396480
MemTotal:    127952 kB
MemFree:       4928 kB
MemShared:     8520 kB
Buffers:      75320 kB
Cached:       23404 kB
SwapTotal:    40284 kB
SwapFree:     36520 kB

I can see a large emailing from 1 single user in the logs, 2 of over
50 bounced (from qmail-qread)..... but I'm
pretty sure I've had CC's or To: of 150 before without problems (from a
site we host).

What else can I do to up the available resources???

Paul Farber
Farber Technology
Ph  570-628-5303
Fax 570-628-5545

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 02:16:21PM -0400, Paul Farber wrote:
> > Hello all, I had another qmail failure... i say that because qmail seems
> > to be the only service affected..... I lump tcpserver, smtpd and pop3d in
> > as qmail for now as I don't have a definative place to look.
> > 
> > Here is the ps output after the crash at 12:35 today:
> Which looks ok to me. All the processes that are needed, seem to be
> there.
> > No pop3 or smtp services were available, telnet didn't work either.
> What do you mean by "available?". What happened when you tried to connect
> to those ports?
> > I have identd commented out in inet.conf, so I have no idea where it is
> > coming from, or how it started.
> What do you expect identd to tell you that's relevant to qmail?
> > After stopping qmail.init, vpopmail, pop3d and smtpd this is a list of the
> > new processes:
> Apart from the qmail-remotes, what relevant differences do you see
> between this and the last ps?
> > 23026 tty1     S      0:00 supervise /var/lock/qmail qmail-start # Using
> > qmail-l23027 tty1     S      0:00 splogger qmail
> > 23028 tty1     S      0:00 qmail-send
> > 23029 tty1     S      0:00 qmail-lspawn # Using qmail-local to deliver
> > messages
> Is this a heavily edited 'ps' output? It makes if difficult if it is.
> > Notice that I have a new pid 23094 tcprules <defunct>, but the pid seems
> > to indicate that it was from the restart of the services, not the original
> > ps output.
> tcprules hasn't much to do with the running of qmail though.
> > The mail log just before the stoppage indicates that tcpserver encountered
> > a huge number of cname lookup failures for outgoing mail..... but DNS was
> > fine (the main dsn server is still running, and I do not cache entries on
> > the mail server).
> What do you mean by DNS "was fine"? Do you mean it had reachability to
> resolve queries or do you mean that the process was running?
> My suspicion is that you lost the ability to do DNS lookups and
> that stalled reverse lookups which stalls all processes that want to
> do that (such as a wrappered telnet).
> > Going the the mail log I see:
> > 
> > Jul 20 11:30:19 mail qmail: 964107019.317584 status: local 1/100 remote
> > 51/100
> > Jul 20 11:30:20 mail qmail: 964107020.447592 delivery 118231: deferral:
> > qmail-spawn_unable_to_fork._(#4.3.0)/
> > 
> > and 
> > 
> > Jul 20 11:48:28 mail qmail: 964108108.168548 status: local 0/100 remote
> > 46/100
> > Jul 20 11:48:35 mail qmail: 964108115.918335 delivery 118202: deferral:
> > Connected_to_24.0.95.29_but_connection_died._(#4.4.2)/
> > 
> > then 
> > 
> > Jul 20 12:01:47 mail qmail: 964108907.824767 status: local 0/100 remote
> > 47/100
> > Jul 20 12:01:47 mail qmail: 964108907.917107 delivery 118245: deferral:
> > CNAME_lookup_failed_temporarily._(#4.4.3)/
> > 
> > Concurrancy went up to 51 for remote, local 1 during the 30 minutes it
> > took to fail.
> And what do you make of that? The first message tells me that you
> haven't given qmail-send enough resources to start all the processes
> you've configured it for - but it's not fatal.
> Mark.

On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 02:16:21PM -0400, Paul Farber wrote:
> Here is the ps output after the crash at 12:35 today:
>   339 ?        S    657:23 syslogd -m 0
>   486 ?        S      1:43 splogger qmail
Have you thought about the resources used by syslogd during
heavy qmail use?

Have you thought about migrating to the latest version of
daemontools and it's startup idiom?  More importantly, 
using cyclog?


> Have you thought about migrating to the latest version of
> daemontools and it's startup idiom?  More importantly, 
> using cyclog?

That would be kind of difficult with the _latest_ version. :)
Try multilog :)


| Ricardo Cerqueira  
| PGP Key fingerprint  -  B7 05 13 CE 48 0A BF 1E  87 21 83 DB 28 DE 03 42 
| Novis  -  Engenharia ISP / Rede Técnica 
| Pç. Duque Saldanha, 1, 7º E / 1050-094 Lisboa / Portugal
| Tel: +351 21 3166700 (24h/dia) - Fax: +351 21 3166701

Anyone know why mail delivery could be extremely slow? My trigger file is setup 
correctly and I am looking for some really really helpful answers, soon *gulp* 



I've been using qmail for a long time, with Maildir and rmail.  I use
the mdmovemail program which is available on the Qmail site, and it
works fine with rmail.

Now, however, it is time for me to upgrade to a MUA with better
support for MIME.  It seems like the best choice for emacs is vm.

It was easy to install vm into emacs, and it works fine for sending
mail, but I can't get it to receive mail using mdmovemail.

I put this line in my .vm:

(setq vm-movemail-program "/usr/local/qmail/bin/mdmovemail")

and I setenv MAIL to ~/Maildir/, and that should be all it needs, but
it doesn't work.  I'm pretty sure what's happening is that vm is
looking in ~/Maildir for a file with the same name as my username, and
when it doesn't find it, it assumes that there is no mail for me, and
gives up happily.

I search the archives of this list, and found some mail from a few
years ago, with a wrapper for mdmovemail, but that did not seem like a
reliable way to do this, so I didn't even try it.

Does anyone have some recomendations?  Maybe a patch to vm?  I'm very
ready to switch to vm from rmail, because it seems like a better way
to go.



I've looked elsewhere, there's no info on it in the FAQ:

- moved a user home directory from one partition to another, ensuring
symlinks are updated etc
- confirm user still exists on system
- confirm permissions are still set appropriately for all directories
- persistent error message : qmail: 964126783.245290 delivery 15092:
failure: Sorry,_no_mailbox_here_by_that_name._(#5.1.1)

Has qmail lost it's list of user homedirs ? How do I put a still existing
user back into qmail's list of known recipients.

On Fri, Jul 21, 2000 at 09:53:38AM +1000, Baden Hughes wrote:
> I've looked elsewhere, there's no info on it in the FAQ:
> - moved a user home directory from one partition to another, ensuring
> symlinks are updated etc
> - confirm user still exists on system
> - confirm permissions are still set appropriately for all directories
> - persistent error message : qmail: 964126783.245290 delivery 15092:
> failure: Sorry,_no_mailbox_here_by_that_name._(#5.1.1)
> Has qmail lost it's list of user homedirs ? How do I put a still existing
> user back into qmail's list of known recipients.

Have you tried changing the home in the passwd file? :)
(just a thought)


| Ricardo Cerqueira  
| PGP Key fingerprint  -  B7 05 13 CE 48 0A BF 1E  87 21 83 DB 28 DE 03 42 
| Novis  -  Engenharia ISP / Rede Técnica 
| Pç. Duque Saldanha, 1, 7º E / 1050-094 Lisboa / Portugal
| Tel: +351 21 3166700 (24h/dia) - Fax: +351 21 3166701

Erich wrote:
> I've been using qmail for a long time, with Maildir and rmail.  I use
> the mdmovemail program which is available on the Qmail site, and it
> works fine with rmail.
> Now, however, it is time for me to upgrade to a MUA with better
> support for MIME.  It seems like the best choice for emacs is vm.
> It was easy to install vm into emacs, and it works fine for sending
> mail, but I can't get it to receive mail using mdmovemail.

I think I'd love to find a small Howto explaining how
to fully enjoy mail with both emacs and qmail.
Any idea?



Does anyone has an experience using procmail with vpopmail (virtual domain)? 
I am trying to setup procmail to filter "junk" mail to specific mail folder 
for vpopmail user. And it does not seem to work at all. My vpopmail users 
access their mail via IMAP instead of Maildir. Am I using the right approach 
to taggle this problem? Any pointer or help is greatly appreciated. Thanks 
in advance.

Here is my .procmailrc:-

* ^X-JunkMail: Yes


Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

Have someone know how to avoid dupplicate messages, it mean that avoid the 
loop messages from a hacker for destroying emsil system ?
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com


  I don't know where the problem is .. but in my my case, we have two 
qmail servers server0 and server1 (not using inetd.. of course :)). 
When somebody send files exceeding 2.5mb, he get a bouce mail stating 
that :

Remote host said: 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage 

when i check /var/qmail/control/databytes .. I already set it to 
15000000 which i believe to be 15mb. The order of sending is not 
matter because it happen both ways ie . when send from server0 .. 
server1 return the same message and when sending from server1 .. 
server0 also return the same message.

please let me know if i need to apply some patches.

Ismal Hisham Mohd Darus
Asst. Manager, System Support
John Hancock Life Insurance (Malaysia) Berhad

That message isn't coming from qmail. Are you sure the mail client
of "somebody"is configured to use your servers? Maybe they have it
pointed to their ISP or some other mail server.


On Fri, Jul 21, 2000 at 09:34:41AM +0800, Ismal Hisham Darus wrote:
> Hi,
>   I don't know where the problem is .. but in my my case, we have two 
> qmail servers server0 and server1 (not using inetd.. of course :)). 
> When somebody send files exceeding 2.5mb, he get a bouce mail stating 
> that :
> Remote host said: 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage 
> allocation.
> when i check /var/qmail/control/databytes .. I already set it to 
> 15000000 which i believe to be 15mb. The order of sending is not 
> matter because it happen both ways ie . when send from server0 .. 
> server1 return the same message and when sending from server1 .. 
> server0 also return the same message.
> please let me know if i need to apply some patches.
> Ismal Hisham Mohd Darus
> Asst. Manager, System Support
> John Hancock Life Insurance (Malaysia) Berhad

From: Ismal Hisham Darus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>When somebody send files exceeding 2.5mb, he get a bouce mail stating
>that :

Is that 2.5 mb before or after encoding? Depending on the encoding, 2.5mb
can well become 15 mb... difficult, but possible.

Test it the other way around: if you lower databytes to, for example, 5 MB,
can you mail a file exceeding 900 kb?


Does anyone know if there is a way to force qmail to queue mail rather than 
bouncing it? i.e., qmail is set to relay all mail to a different mail server. 
But then the mail server process on the second machine goes down, so the machine 
reponds but refuses smtp connections. Qmail begins bouncing all incoming mail. 
How can I prevent qmail from bouncing everything?

I've received lots of requests asking where qmail-vacation has gone.

Its new home is


Same applies to my version of eliminate-dups.

I've asked Russell to update the www.qmail.org page but he must be busy
at present.

I'm not subscribed to the list at present - about to emigrate to Canada, so 
I have lots of things to do instead of reading mail :(

Peter Samuel                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technical Consultant                        or at present:
Gormand Pty Ltd                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi everybody,

I can't find anything that explains how to selectively remove messages
from the outgoing queue in qmail-1.03... I'd like to obtain a list of
the messages in this queue and to delete only the messages sent by one
person (I've found qmail-qread and qmail-clean, but they are not of
great help...).
Another question: how is it possible to trigger the time interval qmail
processes the outgoing messages?
Please tell me where I can find this documentation (I searched
www.qmail.org and nearly all its links...Am I blind???...).
Thank you very much,

Luca Zancan
Logica S.r.l.
URL http://www.logicaonline.com

On Fri, Jul 21, 2000 at 08:14:13AM +0200, Luca Zancan wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I can't find anything that explains how to selectively remove messages
> from the outgoing queue in qmail-1.03... I'd like to obtain a list of
> the messages in this queue and to delete only the messages sent by one
> person (I've found qmail-qread and qmail-clean, but they are not of
> great help...).

>From www.qmail.org:
Michele Beltrame has a tool to view the qmail queue (with colored display), view 
messages in it and delete messages. It's very simple and written in Perl. 

> Another question: how is it possible to trigger the time interval qmail
> processes the outgoing messages?
Although i'm not exactly sure what you mean ....

> Please tell me where I can find this documentation (I searched
> www.qmail.org and nearly all its links...Am I blind???...).
Not blind, maybe not persistant enough ;-))

> Thank you very much,


I want to forward all mail to unknown users to another mail host. The
qmail FAQ suggests putting the line:

  | forward "$LOCAL"@newmail.domain.com

in ~alias/.qmail-default.

However, the domain in question is a virtual domain, being handled by
vpopmail. So, I have made sure that the .qmail-default file is located
in /home/vpopmail/domains/domain.com.

However, email is being forwarded to the address of form:


Is there a simple (or otherwise!) way to modify the $LOCAL variable to
remove the domain.com- prefix to the username?


Andrew Hill

Andrew Hill wrote:
> However, email is being forwarded to the address of form:
> Is there a simple (or otherwise!) way to modify the $LOCAL variable to
> remove the domain.com- prefix to the username?

Thanks to off-list helpers!

It now works, using:

  VAR =| echo "$LOCAL" | cut -d "-" -f 2
  | forward "$VAR"@newmail.com


Andrew Hill

orbs.org recently tested our qmail server, I mailed them and they advised
that our server could be used as a "proxy mailbomb relay". By this they
mean that a message with a forged FROM: address and multiple bad
RCPT TO: addresses will generate multiple non-delivery reports being 
sent to the forged FROM: address. Is it possible to stop this?

This is not a huge problem I'm just interested.


Tim Philip  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (cnbcasia.com)

------------ HERE IS WHAT ORBS.ORG SAID ABOUT QMAIL: ------------

Kick Qmail's author.

To be honest, I regard qmail as a bit of a dog. It's great for mailing
lists, but as a general purpose MTA it has too many bad habits.

Apart from the accept, then process issue it also:

Only sends one RCPT TO:<> per message, even if multiple recipients are at
the same MX.

Opens as many connections to a remote server as it can in order to deliver
those individual messages in parallel.

It results in temporary denial of service attacks and huge amounts of
unnecessary bandwidth consumption. The program is designed around a
mentality of "I will deliver the mail _now_, _no matter what_", instead of
being a nice network neighbour and treating smtp as low priority data which
is given sensible backoff algorithms.

Alan Brown

I'm obviously clueless, so perhaps someone can explain...

He says it's great for mailing lists, but it seems like the complaints
he has would be most apropos mailing lists.  Am I misreading this?

On Fri, Jul 21, 2000 at 05:04:59PM +0800, Philip, Tim (CNBC Asia) wrote:
> ------------ HERE IS WHAT ORBS.ORG SAID ABOUT QMAIL: ------------
> Kick Qmail's author.
> To be honest, I regard qmail as a bit of a dog. It's great for mailing
> lists, but as a general purpose MTA it has too many bad habits.
> Apart from the accept, then process issue it also:
> Only sends one RCPT TO:<> per message, even if multiple recipients are at
> the same MX.
> Opens as many connections to a remote server as it can in order to deliver
> those individual messages in parallel.
> It results in temporary denial of service attacks and huge amounts of
> unnecessary bandwidth consumption. The program is designed around a
> mentality of "I will deliver the mail _now_, _no matter what_", instead of
> being a nice network neighbour and treating smtp as low priority data which
> is given sensible backoff algorithms.
> Regards
> Alan Brown
> -----------------------------------------------------------------

David Benfell
ICQ 59438240 [e-mail first for access]
There are no physicists in the hottest parts of hell, because the
existence of a "hottest part" implies a temperature difference, and
any marginally competent physicist would immediately use this to
run a heat engine and make some other part of hell comfortably cool.
This is obviously impossible.
                                -- Richard Davisson
                                        [from fortune]



I have set up my qmail ( using tcpserver ) server behind my router
(NAT), and got it working locally with sending and recieving mail. But
global it can send mail out but not recieve mail. I have tried various
things like telnet to port 25 and locally it works. But trying from
outside there is no response at all. So I think it is a problem with my
domain ? or tcpserver. Can anybody help me out?

Lars Brandi Jensen

Hi Folks,

Please have a look at the  bounce error message below.  Does this signify
that the IP is in MAPS?  (every address to the 21.cn domain seems to be
bouncing) I checked, and indeed, they are blackholed.  I don't quite
understand why *I* can't mail to them though.  I thought MAPS worked the
other way around... ie spammers cannot spam certain mailservers.  Any
clarifications would be appreciated on the 553 error code and its meaning.


******BOUNCE MESSAGE******

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at grendel.madeforchina.com.
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 553 To <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, message blocked.
Giving up on

Reply via email to