Sorry, I probably didn´t explain myself well. I have a mail queue called and it´s directory is /var/spool/queue/ In this directory,
I have a .qmail-default, amongst the new, cur and tmp directory. Anything
that goes to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" goes to the "new" directory, unless there
is a .qmail-x file for the user it is being sent to. The user wants to have
his mail sent at "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" BUT this E-Mail has to split to two parts,
one has to be the "new" directory so that it goes to the queue reciever, and
the other has to go to his own mail account in the same server. So, I have
created a file called .qmail-user and in this file I have placed
"&[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and on a new line, I have placed "&[EMAIL PROTECTED]". The
problem is that th message loops, and does not go to the "new" directory. So,
when I send a message to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" it goes to his own mail account,
and tries to go to the queue, only that the file ".qmail-user" is for
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]", so the message loops... tries to get sent to itself
over and over again. How could I solve this ?

Dave Sill wrote:

> "Neil D. Roberts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I have a little problem with creating a double alias. The situation is
> >the following: I have a mail server running qmail, which holds normal
> >mail boxes for POP3 clients, it also holds virtual domains which get
> >forwarded to local mail boxes for POP3 clients and it also has mail
> >queue´s for domains.
> What do you mean by "mail queues for domains"?
> >The problem is that one of my clients wants to have
> >redirected his email address to a) his mail box & b) his mail queue.
> You mean he wants to file a copy in his mailbox and forward another
> copy elsewhere? That's easy: just put two lines in his .qmail file:
> one for the mailbox and another for the forward.
> >The
> >local email addresses would be "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and his mail queue would
> >be "" for example. He wants me to have "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" go to
> >his mail queue and also go to his "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". I created a file
> >in the home directory for the mail queue called ".qmail-user". Inside
> >this file I have placed "&[EMAIL PROTECTED]", so this part works. Right
> >now, mail sent to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" does not go to the mail queue but
> >goes to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". How could I duplicate this so that it also
> >goes to the mail queue ? I can´t place "&[EMAIL PROTECTED]" in the
> >".qmail-user" file because it would loop. Any ideas as to what I can do
> Yow, my head hurts. I can't figure out what you're talking about. You
> need to identify:
>   1) the local user's username
>   2) the local system's domain name
>   3) the virtual domain name
>   4) the virtual username
>   5) the remote address to which you want the message copied
> Or give another example with real domain names and user names and
> identify which are real/local and which are virtual.
> -Dave

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