
So, omail-admin (web administration tool for vmailmgr+qmail based systems)
ist getting quite old! During the next days I will work on a new version, 
with will support the newest php interface, qmail-autoresponder, and will get
the rid of the current complicated and maybe insecure suid-perl wrapper.
I will also use PHP4-session management, to also get rid of the
current mysql-based system.

If you have any suggestion or feature request, it's the right moment!
So please have a look at http://omail.omnis.ch/ or test the
demo on http://admin.omnis.ch/omail/  (test.com + test as passwd), 
tell me what you'd like me to add/change, or if you want to participate.

Some things:
- will need PHP4 and the newest version of vmailmgr (www.vmailmgr.org)
- should be usable by a domain administrator (all rights)
  but also by a single user (password change, maybe adding of forwarders/autoresp)
- multilanguage (at least en, fr, de)
- secure...
- maybe quota support (one given domain -> right to create one pop account and 5 
aliases for example)
  (but how... ? maybe just a flat text file in /var/qmail/control would do the thing)
- later, why not webmail ? (but wouldn't work yet without suid rights : currently not
  able to read mails or subjects using the vcommands)

comments welcome! :)

 Olivier Mueller - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - PGPkeyID: 0E84D2EA - Switzerland

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