Nice project, but I'm asking myself if many people use .qmail-* : 
      there are currently two great tools for multiple domains 
      administrations : vmailmgr and vpopmail. 

      And both have web-based administrations tools which allow to do praticaly 
      everything you have listed on your homepage : add users, responders, 
      change password, add alias, etc. (replace add with delete and modifiy also). 

      I don't use vpopmail, but I know there is a nice C(++?) based administration, 
      plus some other tools. 

      About vmailmgr (which I use on a lots of small and big servers), there 
      is now omail-admin ( which is a PHP4 based 
      web administration : you can try it on 
      ( as login, and test as password, and also [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
      after that you created an user or an alias). 

      The main problem I see about a program which should work with 
      .qmail-* files, is that it must then be run with the same 
      userid as the directory owner -> one cgi-script per domain, 
      or one suid script, which is never really good on any system... 


      PS: what is IMHO missing for qmail would be an administration 
      tool for all these /var/qmail/control files... 

 Olivier Mueller - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - PGPkeyID: 0E84D2EA - Switzerland

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