----- Original Message -----
From: "David Dyer-Bennet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Qmail-mailing list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 2:24 AM
Subject: Re: rcpt to|cc|bcc and To:|Cc:|Bcc: limitations

> If he sets up a mailing list using ezmlm, the obvious thing to use
> with qmail, and sends to a mailing list of 1000 people through that
> setup, you'll get exactly the same thing you have now.  If you
> implement a block on the submission, he'll be unable to use (that)
> mailing list.  So I think you need to think this through more
> thoroughly.

Well, on a mailing list server where 1000+ mails is going out you will
occupy all remote resources (?) and keep the server bussy for a while. But
on a dedicated mailinglist server you don't have (well, at least not me)
single users sending out one mail at the time. My opinion is that candidates
for mailing list is low priority mail, and single users sending mail is high
priority (understand me right here, I want alle the mail delivered a.s.a.p).

Sending a mail to the qmail list, I know that it will arrive. Sometimes it
takes seconds, and othertimes it comes through after a while. Sending a mail
to my co-workers or one of my customers that I'm on the phone with, I expect
it delivered a second ago ;-)

IDG New Media     Einar Bordewich
Technical Manager  Phone: +47 2336 1420
E-Mail:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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