Thanks for the answers... gotta couple more to verify...

> > Even if I just type "sendmail --help", it just carriage returns into the
> > next line and hangs there indefinitely...
> Yep. It's waiting for an eof, just as qmail-inject does.
ok... may I know what character is the exit code? usually when I type
"sendmail [EMAIL PROTECTED]" I can exit by typing ".". But the qmail
sendmail seems to ignore this.

> > Happens too for every other
> > combination of options I tried... qmail-inject works fine doing "echo me
> > /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject"... sending mail through the qmail server as
> > relay works too...
> what happens when you go: echo To: me | /var/qmail/bin/sendmail
> ?
it exits normally, as of now I haven't received the mail yet... but I typed
"echo to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | var/qmail/bin/sendmail" 'cos I haven't set up
my local MailDir yet... it's been almost 5 minutes since I entered the above
command... does it normally take so long to deliver the mail?

and may I know where all this is being logged? the file beginning with "@"
in /var/log/qmail doesn't seem to log all these... and /var/log/maillog is
empty so far...

> If you want the greatest flexibility, use qmail-inject directly, it
> is well documented and well defined. /var/qmail/bin/sendmail is a
> compatibility program aimed at people who have code that cannot
> be changed.
I'm using PHP which uses sendmail by default... has anybody found a way to
use qmail-inject directly? Greatly appreciate any info on this...


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