You're not serious are you?

"I fiddled around with qmail".

We're meant to deduce what you did from this?

On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 11:42:44PM +0200, חיים הלפרן wrote:
> Hello all.
> I have a strange problem.
> I fiddled around with my qmail, and sent a message to a local domain, but
> the user doesnt exist, and i get a lot of deferal unable to change to
> mailbox errors!!

You show us no logs. We're meant to deduce what qmail is trying to do from this?

> my question is: how can i delete this message from the quere?? i guess its a
> simple FAQ, but i cant seem to find it.

I'll bet you're guessing.

> i see it when i type qmail-qstat i get:
> messages in queue: 1
> messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 0
> when i type qmail-qread i get:
> 24 Aug 2000 21:19:20 GMT  #669258  1819  <#@[]>
>         local   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You purposely corrupt the output of this command. We're meant to deduce what is really
in the queue from this?

> i want to delete this message!!!
> how can i do this??

You need to use the -d option on the qmail-fiddle command. Don't forget to run
it from a special place reserved for people who are especially well suited to
using this command.

> thanks in advance!!

The pleasure is all yours.


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