I have a QMAIL-alias problem.  Can you please show me the way?


QMAIL Problem Summary
I am attempting to setup the postmaster alias, and as the FAQ of the site
http://www.flounder.net/qmail/qmail-howto.html instructs me, I have done.

Following is the contents of the ~alias/.qmail-postmaster script:


In the users/assign file, there is an entry:


When I attempt to send EMAIL to the postmaster account, I receive the
dreaded 'no mailbox here...' message as a return EMAIL.

I can send and receive EMAIL from the john.doe.jr account.

The ~alias directory has the following attribs:

drwxr-sr-x     2     alias   qmail     4096    June 22  12:12   alias/

And the .qmail-postmaster file has the following attribs:

-rw-rw-r--      1     alias   qmail     8     Aug 24  05:33

I am using ./Maildir/


I have searched the Archive for someone else that may have had a similar
problem, and so far, I found one thread that was close.

Thread Title:  .qmail-USER fails

In this thread dated 5 March, 1998, instructions were given to the reader to
complete the following test:

/var/qmail/bin/qmail-getpw postmaster | tr '\0' '\012'

The output that I received was:



Can you please help?


Tom Sarratt

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