
Thank you for the suggestion, however, it still does not work.

Per your instructions, the ~alias/.qmail-postmaster file now contains:


After making the alteration:

I went to another computer, started my EMAIL client (MS Outlook 2000)
logging in as [EMAIL PROTECTED], and SMTP's a test message
to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I promptly received the failure message.

Am I supposed to cycle QMAIL (HUP) when I make an alteration like this?

To answer your questions:

How did you install qmail?
I contacted http://cr.yp.to/qmail.html and downloaded the file
qmail-1.03.tar.gz.  I unpacked it into /usr/local/src/qmail-1.03.  I then
followed the instructions outlined in the INSTALL document, omitting the
INSTALL.alias doc as it was confusing.  I completed the steps, all the way
to step 8, and then executed the instructions found at:
http://www.tibus.net/pgregg/projects/qmail/single-uid-howto.html.  After
completing these instructions, I then proceeded back to the INSTALL.alias
doc, and when it failed, I started researching the problem on the FAQ's,
docs, mans, and the EMAIL search engine.  That's how I ended up here.  Total
time: roughly two weeks.

What's in /var/qmail/rc?
The contents of the rc file is:


# Using splogger to send the log through syslog.
# Using qmail-local to deliver messages to ~/Mailbox by default.

exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
qmail-start ./Mailbox splogger qmail


rights: 0755
user:           root
group:  qmail

However, I am attempting to build an rc.d script to start QMAIL.  Here is
its contents:


# Source function library
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

# Source networking configuration
. /etc/sysconfig/network

# Make sure that networking resources are available
[ ${NETWORKING} = "no" ] && exit 0

# Perform a little file checking.  Check to make sure the files in question
# exist before proceeding.
[ -x /var/qmail/bin/qmail-start ] || exit 0
[ -x /var/qmail/bin/splogger ] || exit 0

# Define local variables and initialize

# Determine parameters used when calling this script
case "$1" in
     # Startup the QMAIL Engine.
     echo -n "Starting the QMAIL Engine: "
     exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
     qmail-start ./Mailbox splogger qmail &i
     [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/qmmain
     # Stop the QMAIL Engine
     echo -n "Shutting down the QMAIL Engine: "
     killproc qmail-send
     [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f /var/lock/subsys/qmmain
     status qmail-send
     $0 stop
     sleep 5
     $0 start
     echo "Usage: qmmain {start|stop|restart|status}"
     exit 1

exit $RETVAL

*** END OF FILE ***


Dave, thank you for your help.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Tom Sarratt

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Sill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 11:32 AM
Subject: RE: Alias Support Question


>1)     Actual contents of the ~alias/.qmail-postmaster file:
>&tom:sarratt:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>2)     Contents of control/virtualdomains:
>3)     Snippet from the QMAIL-Send Log showing the failure:
>* I am unable to find the logfile, if it is being written, that is holding
>send information.

How did you install qmail? (tm) What's in /var/qmail/rc?

>4)     Partial listing of the users/assign file:

OK, so a message comes in for postmaster@whatever and is presumably
handed off to qmail-local, user alias, where it's redirected to
tom:sarratt:[EMAIL PROTECTED] qmail-send sees that
missionprinting.org is a virtual domain, so it's directed to
missionprinting-org-tom:sarratt:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

qmail-lspawn looks at the mailbox name,
"missionprinting-org-tom:sarratt:jr". It doesn't find it in
users/assign (because colons aren't periods), and it can't be a valid
username, so the delivery fails with "no such mailbox".

Change the .qmail-postmaster file to:


and it ought to work.

Apparently you were confused about the replacement of .'s with :'s in
extension addresses by qmail-local. That's not an issue here since
qmail-local will never see an address with an extension, with or
without .'s, in this case.


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