I have a 14 lists with 120,000 addresses total, about 12,000 to 25,000
on each list.  Last night a user sent mail out to the 14 lists. 
Everything was sent and qmail did it thing.  The problem is the first
come, first serve queue.  Qmail wouldn't handle another list until the
first list was done.  The remote was around 100/300 and it was sending
around 30,000 to 40,000 emails an hour, which is good, but not pushing
the server.  Most of my lists deliver to one remote server, but are not
sorted by servers.   

Is there was a better a queue management that would figure, through some
method, that handling the queue based on address would be better then
first come, first serve?   I would like this so qmail won't try to send
10,000 messages to one server, that can only handle 5000 connections a
hour which

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