On Mon, Sep 04, 2000 at 12:07:21PM +0200, Stano Paska wrote:
> I have subdomain sss.ddd.com

First out: give us real domain names. Avoids confusion.

> Domain has mail server on mmm.ddd.com
> My qmail is running on computer ccc.sss.ddd.com
> I want send every mail that is not addressed to subdomain sss.ddd.com
> to computer mmm.ddd.com
> I think this is done by smtproutes, but what?
> In smtproutes I can define domains, but I need ALL, except my domain

Where do you want mail to the domain sss.ddd.com to go?

If you want it handled locally, try putting


into control/smtproutes

Johan Almqvist

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