On Tue, Sep 05, 2000 at 11:10:42AM +0200, wolfgang zeikat wrote:
> Also sprach David Dyer-Bennet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 04.09.2000:
> >If a spammer sent that message with an envelope recipient of
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED], it would be accepted because newmediaone.net is in
> >rcpthosts.  
> does that mean: the message is accepted *and* the mails to the Cc: header
> recipients (which are not in rcpthosts) are *also* delivered? that was the
> original question.
> >If the spammer sent a second envelope recipient of [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> >and aol.com is NOT in your rcpthosts, he'd get an error on that
> >recipient (unless RELAYCLIENT had been set through tcpserver when this
> >connection was accepted).
> does a Cc: header create a second envenlope recipient? (so far i thought
> it doesnt)

It does. And so does Bcc:
Each recipient, even those who don't appear anywhere in the header, get
their own envelope.


| Ricardo Cerqueira  
| PGP Key fingerprint  -  B7 05 13 CE 48 0A BF 1E  87 21 83 DB 28 DE 03 42 
| Novis  -  Engenharia ISP / Rede Técnica 
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