On Tue, Sep 12, 2000 at 06:22:02PM -0700, John White wrote:
> Better OS gurus than I can comment on exactly how Solaris bloats
> network processes.
> All I'll say is that qmail still performs admirably on the Solaris
> latform.
> However, I question the decision to use Solaris x86.  I'm not aware
> of any advantage there is over something like Linux or xBSD.

Without starting an OSwar, it may be that they are a total Solaris shop,
in that case it may be more convenient to run Solaris x86 and not have
to deal with OS sysadmin differences. 

Secondly, their management may feel better with the level of support
they can get from Sun than what they can get from the FreeBSD support
services. Eg, they may have a site support contract.

Thirdly, they may be running additional products on their system that
only run on Solaris and therefore they need to use that OS.

Finally, running Solaris x86 is not necessarily a wrong choice. It may
not be optimal according to your criteria, but it's not a wrong choice.

In other words, if he's happy with that OS and isn't trying to squeeze
performance to the limits, then he'll almost certainly find Solaris x86
quite an acceptable OS for qmail.


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