> I do not understand "threads"

Threads are simply many messages with same subject, all about same
topic...usually in reply to one another, but sometimes just as a statement.

> Also, I today I would spend an hour on trying to fix 1 error message
> then I eliminate that myself with no help, so I feel that the subject
> changes, and I no longer need a reply.  Then what do I do?  Thanks for
> understanding.

No, I don't understand ;) You should always keep the same subject when
dealing with the one problem, or problems that arise because of it... It is
much easier for the rest of us to follow.

> I appreciate you taking the time to respond with your comments.
> Thank you.

No problem

> But it seems it is much easier for some l33t people to make a newbie
> feel stupid, than to lend a hand, no matter where us newbies turn.
> Please remember we were all newbies once and some of us actually read
> the HOWTOs, READMEs, etc and still get stuck!  (which is why you have
> these alternate forms of support ?)

Yes...I haven't followed this thread so I don't know what you have been
asking about, but around 70% of the questions on this list I would
approximate are actually answered or dealt with in the docs, and in the end
the annoyance that the longer-term users have builds up, even with the
nicest people...

> I am not going giving up.  I use rpms when I can since they work
> well on red hat, and compile if I have to.

As a general rule, I advise against this, especially if you want to help
others. qmail is not hard to compile and install yourself, and it gives you
a much better understanding of how it works. This isn't a matter of hardcore
vs puniness, this is a matter of knowing how your system works.

> Please just tell me now if there is legitimate support here or am
> I wasting my time?

Well, you didn't pay for this did you? ;) We will help all we can but if we
get annoyed, its probably because you could have searched the archives (find
them on www.qmail.org) and found the answers to your question...No
guarantees, again I haven't followed this thread, but I would almost bet on

> Do you support the installation of the RPMs?  They install but don't work
> properly.

We support users having trouble with qmail. We need to know how your qmail
is setup. Virtually no one here would know how the RPM is set up because we
don't need to...we all have specific needs and need to fulfill them by
compiling qmail manually, and it isn't our job to watch for each
implementation of qmail and remember it. Just remember this is a discussion
list, not a product support forum. None of us are paid, we just all have a
desire to learn.

> Do you support the installation of the source?  That is when I encountered
> the error.

See above...and 99% of us do use the source, and if you follow the
instructions in either INSTALL or Life With Qmail, it will work...Trying to
use any more than one source without experience is suicide.

> You can rest assured that once I learn what I am doing I will help as many
> people as I can.

To learn, read the archives, install the source, play with addons, try
things that are too hard for you.

Hope this helps...


InterPlanetary Solutions

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