Gustavo Vieira Goncalves Coelho Rios wrote:
> Doug White wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, 13 Sep 2000, Gustavo Vieira Goncalves Coelho Rios wrote:
> >
> > > Sep 13 17:12:21 etosha /kernel: pid 3197 (qmail-remote), uid 1008:
> > > exited on signal 11
> >
> > I'll bet you it's bad memory.  Get your DIMMs tested and/or replace them.
> >
> > Can you build a kernel?
> At the time the problem occured, i tried to compile the kernel and it
> failed!
> Then, i gave up! One day after i could do it (compile de kernel and
> stress the qmail) but the problem did not occur again!
> It's very strange! I could make world+make buildkernel+stress qmail
> without any problem.

Sounds suspiciously like either buggy hardware or a power problem.
Do you have the system plugged into an online power conditioner? What
else is plugged into the circuit the computer is plugged into?


FreeBSD ('BSD'):
No battles to the death are recalled. It is a small Daemon wearing
sneakers. It
is normally found on Internet servers and powerful desktops, and moves
quickly. A kill of this poweful creature is enough to tick off any
sysadmin. It
is highly magical, having the power to serve. It resists DoS and SYN
attacks. Nothing is known about its attack.

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