On Mon, Sep 18, 2000 at 03:00:53PM +0900, James T. Perry wrote:
> > that's without the __) to the correct conf-file in the qmail source
> > should do the trick.
> oops (*blush*cough*).  OK :)
> I'm glad I didn't go diving into the kernel sources.
> > echo Fixing $QMAIL/conf-cc...
> > echo 'cc -O2 -DFD_SETSIZE=4096' > $QMAIL/conf-cc
> I tried this above, and "make setup" still gives me the
> "Oops.  Your system's FD_SET() has a hidden limit of
> 1024 descriptors..." error message from chkspawn.
> I tried it also with 2048 and still the same error msg.

Hmm. Could be that the linux select() isn't as flexible as the FreeBSD
select (yes, wild speculation here ;)

Did you try with __FD_SETSIZE? It looks like the GNU libc include
structure is more complicated and obscure.

> > [disbeliever - the world is backwards]    (__VuurWerk__(--*-
> Yes, I must agree that I have felt that way many times :)

Hmm and it's not even a stolen quote :)

Greetz, Peter.
[ircoper]        [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Peter van Dijk / Hardbeat
[student]        Undernet:#groningen/wallops | IRCnet:/#alliance
[developer]                                _____________
[disbeliever - the world is backwards]    (__VuurWerk__(--*-

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