Hi, I'm new to qmail and one year old in linux.  I'm trying to set up a mail
server and having problems.  I want to use my slackware 7.1 linux as a local
mail server for a small LAN; maybe eventualy for an external domain later.
I want clients to use their Win Outlook to retrieve mail, so I should be
able to send a mail to my main user accound and retrieve it from the same or
different workstations, but it doesn't work.

When I send the message it looks like it works, it doesn't error out or
anything.  But when I telnet into my linux box, I can't find the email

I had a heck of a time shuffling thru the directions/installation documents.
It didn't seem very clear, but it was probably me.

I'm using the ./Maildir method.

My .qmail file is:


My rc is:


# Using splogger to send the log through syslog.
# Using qmail-local to deliver messages to ~/Mailbox by default.

exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
qmail-start ./Maildir/ splogger qmail

there is nothing in my /var/qmail/users directory.  From what I could make
out, there should be an assign file in there but I'm not clear on the
format.  I tried to use the command qmail-pw2u but it just hangs up and does
nothing, I have to hit the Control-C to stop it.  Am I using it wrong?  From
what I read it should take your /etc/psswd file and make an assign file
under /var/qmail/users, but it doesn't.  Another thing, my main user account
has 2 uppercase letters, so I tried using the -u option, but nothing again.

I believe I have all the daemons running:

alita:/var/qmail# ps aux | grep qmail
qmails     115  0.0  0.3  1096  388 ?        S    20:24   0:00 qmail-send
qmaill     120  0.0  0.3  1068  412 ?        S    20:24   0:00 splogger
root       121  0.0  0.2  1056  336 ?        S    20:24   0:00 qmail-lspawn
qmailr     122  0.0  0.2  1056  328 ?        S    20:24   0:00 qmail-rspawn
qmailq     123  0.0  0.2  1048  348 ?        S    20:24   0:00 qmail-clean
root       394  0.0  0.2  1072  308 pts/1    S    21:38   0:00
root       508  0.0  0.3  1164  412 pts/0    S    22:24   0:00 grep qmail

I didn't instal the anti-spamming package or the daemontools since it's a
very small LAN.  I'm using inetd instead of ucspi-tcp.

I wasn't sure if I need the POP3 thing, but I installed it anyways since I
notice the properties on my windows mail server account has POP indicated.
I put in my inetd too, just like the documentation said.

Before I installed the POP3, I created a dummy account (flapjack) and sent
some mail to it thru the win workstation.  It showed up in the ~/Maildir/new
dir.  I was excited for a moment.  I tried another and it worked too.  But I
could never retrieve mail from the qmail server, that's why I thought I
needed to install POP3.  Now I can't send anything to the dummy account, I
took a step back.  Frustrated, I found this mailing list since I depleted my
HOW-TO documentation.

Here is the bottom portion of my /var/logs/messages file:

Sep 19 22:26:58 alita gnu-pop3d[511]: User 'flapjack' logged in with mailbox
Sep 19 22:26:58 alita gnu-pop3d[511]: Session ended for user: flapjack
Sep 19 22:31:59 alita gnu-pop3d[526]: connect from
Sep 19 22:31:59 alita gnu-pop3d[526]: Incoming connection opened
Sep 19 22:31:59 alita gnu-pop3d[526]: User 'flapjack' logged in with mailbox
Sep 19 22:31:59 alita gnu-pop3d[526]: Session ended for user: flapjack
Sep 19 22:35:43 alita qmail: 969417343.977697 starting delivery 28: msg
287124 t
Sep 19 22:35:43 alita qmail: 969417343.977842 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
Sep 19 22:35:43 alita qmail: 969417343.987402 delivery 28: deferral:
Sep 19 22:35:43 alita qmail: 969417343.987591 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
Sep 19 22:37:01 alita gnu-pop3d[531]: connect from
Sep 19 22:37:01 alita gnu-pop3d[531]: Incoming connection opened
Sep 19 22:37:01 alita gnu-pop3d[531]: User 'flapjack' logged in with mailbox
Sep 19 22:37:01 alita gnu-pop3d[531]: Session ended for user: flapjack
Sep 19 22:40:32 alita su[536]: - pts/0 DillWeed-root
Sep 19 22:40:35 alita su[537]: + pts/0 DillWeed-root
Sep 19 22:41:21 alita gnu-pop3d[541]: connect from
Sep 19 22:41:21 alita gnu-pop3d[541]: Incoming connection opened
Sep 19 22:41:21 alita gnu-pop3d[541]: User 'flapjack' logged in with mailbox
Sep 19 22:41:21 alita gnu-pop3d[541]: Session ended for user: flapjack

You guys seem like you know what this is all about, could you please help
me?  Any ideas?


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