On Thu, Sep 21, 2000 at 12:01:06AM +0000, Allama Hicham wrote:
> I'm a user "alm", I'm sending a mail like
> %echo to: alm |/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject
> But when I read the syslog file, I find that
> "This_message_is_looping:_it_already_has_my_Delivered-To_line._(#5.4.6)/"

It means that for some reason qmail is delivering the message to user
'alm' and then re-delivering to the user 'alm'.

Does ~alm/.qmail exist? Does it perhaps have an instruction to forward
messages to 'alm' ?

James Raftery (JBR54)  -  Programmer Hostmaster  -  IE TLD Hostmaster
   IE Domain Registry  -  www.domainregistry.ie  -  (+353 1) 706 2375
  "Managing 4000 customer domains with BIND has been a lot like
   herding cats." - Mike Batchelor, on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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