> > I do run bind and set DNS up for the first time.
> > What should I change, remove or add in your opinion?
> Greg isn't talking about your DNS he's talking about the people who
> manage the reverse DNS, the one that answers for which looks
> to be uunet. Leastwise they're responsible for 63.105.

I certainly run via a UUnet connection, but I think I am responsable for
So whatever UUnet's DNS say's should come from my setup right?

> If it's uunet, they have to fix their DNS by either adding a reverse entry
> or delegating name serving of your IP(s) to you.

I thought before I even wrote the first message that the problem had to do with
reverse DNS as I think hub.FreeBSD.org is trying to find the host name for That by itself should be defined in my DNS setup as far as I know.

> As I said previously, contact your ISP to get them to fix it or contact the
> folks at Freebsd.org. It's currently not a problem you can fix at your end.

Does this change anything or is it still UUnet's responsability?


Jan Knepper
Smartsoft, LLC
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