
SPAM is not a big deal if you are getting only SPAM. It is much worse when
you are getting thousands and thousands of failure messages.

This is exactly what happened to me: some smart guy has a huge list of
emails addresses which are intended to be his spam victims. Tousands of
them are not working any more, because the list is out-dated, but the
error messages have to end somewhere, don't they? 
Ok, we pick up some existing domain.com and then we wiil randomly generate
[EMAIL PROTECTED] So, all this mess ends up in the postmasters mail.
Apart from these, you find there also tons of threats that people will
suit me for spamming.

My question is:

1) is there a way out?
2) can qmail reject email based on "Received: " envelope? I want it not to
bounce a message back, if there is the bad.host.com listed in the Received

Thank you for you suggestions and comments,
Petr Danecek


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