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On 4 Oct 2000, at 16:04, OK 2 NET - André Paulsberg wrote:

> Are your server being used as a Relay for these messages,
> or are the SPAMMERS simply using your domain to forge their envelope
> sender.

The latter. (It happened to quite a few domains in .cz, lately. I have 
been busy accepting, refusing and deleting a gigabyte of 
bounces/double-bounces over our pathetic 64kbit line for most of 
the previous week.)

> > 2) can qmail reject email based on "Received: " envelope?
> >    I want it not to bounce a message back,
> >    if there is the bad.host.com listed in the Received line.
> You can only purge them automaticly, I'm not sure that's to smart. The
> best is to reject based on envelope sender or recipient, that way you
> can tell the "offening" server that you rejected the message. (This is
> done throug the files control/badmailfrom and control/badrcptto.)

badmailfrom doesn't help as all the incoming messages are 
bounces, MAIL FROM:<>

badrcptto might help, together with some heurestics. (There were 
way-too-many forms of [EMAIL PROTECTED]) goodrcptto might 
help better :-)

I just changed my ~alias/.qmail-default to
|fastforward -d /etc/aliases.cdb; exit 0
to keep my mailbox clean (and my old harddisk from suffering, 
queue from growing, and the load never was more than 4.55 :-) - 
most of the load coming (probably) from SYN cookies).

> BTW: would it be possible to see one COMPLETE
>      bounce message you are having trouble with.

I have stored about five thousand of them. The basic pattern is 
simple: Some faked Received line, then someone at 
saturn.bbn.com (a DSL? dial-up?), then some open relay in .cn, .jp 
or .kr domains (I have seen quite a few of them) and then the 
recipient, bouncing the message back. I can post one of the 
messages, but which one? Don't want to be unfair to the remaining 
open relays :-)

A few people suggested to sue the spammer for misusing 
antek.cz's name. Can anyone suggest how? I am not US-based 
and our company is not US-based. Is it a crime to fake the return 
address (meaning I can mail my evidence to the authorities) or am I 
on my own to sue the spammer? If the latter, I can see no chance 
of that happening...

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