Thanks for your advice, Andy. From the documentation I have been able to
find on badmailfrom I am unable to determine if it will block an entire host
or just certain senders addresses. I think in my case I need to block any
mail that originates from a specific host. Otherwise, tomorrow the SPAMers
may just decide to change the bogus MAIL FROM: address they are using. Can
you clear this up? Or point me in the right direction?


-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Bradford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 2:54 AM
To: Aaron Newcomb
Subject: Re: Bogus MAIL FROM (SPAM)

Thus said "Aaron Newcomb" on Fri, 13 Oct 2000 23:19:48 EDT:

> Notice that the HELO and the MAIL FROM: lines have completely different
> domains. The MAIL FROM they are using is a bogus address. What is the best
> way to prevent email like this from being accepted?

Without some hacking you won't be able to block based on the From:
header, however you can block based on the sender envelope.  See the
man page for qmail-smtpd which specifically references the use of the
badmailfrom control file.

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