Outgoing mail for a single ISP account and multiple local domains is
handled well as described in


It seems to me that this won't work for more than one ISP where the mail
to be placed in a (or each?) queue should be based on the domain part of
the From: address (the method described in the link appears to me to
work on a fall through based on the To: address by qmail-send).

Is there another means of queuing outgoing mail (preferably in a
Maildir) based on the domain part of the From: address where there are
multiple local users too?


mail From: [mary|fred|bob]@abc.com should be sent via isp1


mail From: [mary|fred|bob]@bcd.com should be sent via isp2

and should be sent separately on connection to the appropriate ISP.

All of the outgoing mail is through one qmail.  It is possible to send
all of the abc.com mail through a bcd.com ISP connection and vice versa
but that is what we'd like to avoid (header confusion).

I may be barking up the wrong tree here so let me know if that's the
case and point me in the right direction. TIA.
Wm ...

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