> Is there another means of queuing outgoing mail (preferably in a
> Maildir) based on the domain part of the From: address where there are
> multiple local users too?
> e.g.:
> mail From: [mary|fred|bob]@abc.com should be sent via isp1
> and
> mail From: [mary|fred|bob]@bcd.com should be sent via isp2
> and should be sent separately on connection to the appropriate ISP.
> All of the outgoing mail is through one qmail.  It is possible to send
> all of the abc.com mail through a bcd.com ISP connection and vice versa
> but that is what we'd like to avoid (header confusion).

But this is what ISP SMTP relays are _for_.  qmail will let you override
the default routing of messages based on the domain part of the destionation
address with smtproutes, but I've never seen any patches to allow what
you describe above.

The only way I can think of is to have multiple qmail installations
(/var/qmail-isp1, /var/qmail-isp2).  Have an smtproutes file for each which
directs all outgoing mail to a particular SMTP relay server.  Then have the
user use the appropriate qmail-inject (/var/qmail-isp1/bin/qmail-inject or

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

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