Hi, me again... :)

My qmail setup otherwise works just fine, but I think I may have stumpled
over a bug in the code...
Like I have stated before, a friend of mine was writing a pop3 retrieval
component (thanks to all who sent messages to his mailbox...) and cam upon
an interesting thing:
When connected to the qmail server, he tried a test run of his component...
And it worked...

So I tried the following:
Opened two separate sessions (telnet ... pop3) and listed the messages in
both. Great... The same.
Now I deleted a message in one session and quited the session (quit :)
When trying to read the message in the other session, it failed!

Ok, I said... It fails... Nothing to worry about, I mean, you get an error
message, but nothing bad happens. But still... Lets see, what RFC 1939 says
about this:
Once the POP3 server has determined through the use of any
authentication command that the client should be given access to the
appropriate maildrop, the POP3 server then acquires an exclusive-
access lock on the maildrop, as necessary to prevent messages from
being modified or removed before the session enters the UPDATE state.

Is this actually the behaviour I described? :)

Dont get me wrong here... I dont mind this "error", but wanted to let all
you know (in case someone didn't know about it...


P.S.: If someone wonders... I'm using the qmail-pop3d program with
Maildir's... Otherwise there are no problems (if you take this as a problem)

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