On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 12:37:42PM -0300, Ari Arantes Filho wrote:
> Hello,
>     Someone is using another smtp server to send a very big spam, but they
> write the header with FROM = an unknown user of one of my virtual domains,
> so postmasters keep sending bounce messages or autoresponders to this
> unknown user and my postmaster is receving more than 10000 emails.
>     I've temporary created this unknows user, but how can I stop this? I

Welcome to the world of unstoppable spam.

Sorry to say Ari, you cannot stop it consuming some of your resources. I've
had that happen on a site where the spammer sent something like 100K
messages to AOL and about half of them were bogus addresses. Having AOL
consume all your smtp concurrency for a day is not fun.

You'll also probably get some hate mail from people who don't read headers
closely enough and think the spam originated from your site.

I'd be inclined to make the user valid and have their .qmail just be
a comment so that the bounces gets delivered to nowhere. Other than that you
have to sit it out.


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