Jack McKinney wrote:
>     Yes, but the only mail servers that will get postmaster bombed are
> ones that either condone spam by allowing users to send it out, or are
> open relays.  If RBL and ORBS isn't enough to get these people to stop
> allowing relaying, perhaps postmaster mail filling up would...

Ummm, perhaps I misunderstand something completely here. Please correct 
me if I'm wrong here. Here's how I see it working:

I am a spammer. I own spamming.pissant.luser.domain. I send mail from
spamming.pissant.luser.domain, but I forge envelopes and From: to say
that I'm (for example) ibm.com, to beat pattern-matching spam checks,
and maybe fool some users that that's really where I'm from. Don't
bounces go to ibm.com? How are we, (in the example), as ibm.com, to
prevent these bounces from coming to us? Not to mention all the email
to [EMAIL PROTECTED], complaining about the spam... Am I missing something?


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