>>>>> "markd" == markd  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

markd>  As you say, it relies on MUAs faithfully reproducing
markd>  References. Fortunately for us .qmail types, mess822 provides
markd>  reliable access to header fields for those who want to
markd>  implement that idea.

I might even look into implementing this...but first, what is mess822?

markd>  Spammers tend not to use the Subject line either, so a little
markd>  pattern matching would catch that. Though why spammers tend
markd>  not to use harvested subject lines is beyond me - i think it'd
markd>  work a lot better than "MAKE MONEY FAST".

Hehe good point, except subject matching is a hard one... You'd have
to watch all outgoing mail and capture all subjects that you send. I
think References is more failsafe, except crappy clients like Outlook
(hehe I can talk coming from an Outlook background :) dump all
References headers...but then again considering that I'm on mainly
*nix-based groups, anyone that is using Outlook should be shot like I
was several times in the past...

>> BIND server (which is what I have,

markd>  Well heck pardner, round this neck of the woods some people
markd>  might see them as fightin' words! If you'd said use djbdns,
markd>  then, well, yes, we'd understand :>

Hehe I haven't ever used djbdns so the idea didn't occur to
me. Apologies DJB fans!
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