Thus said [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Sun, 29 Oct 2000 01:00:11 MST:

> > and have your *real* address that you give out to people who you want to
> > have a stable address be user-<something>@domain and be careful about
> > revealing that <something>.  :)
> That's a good idea Russ.

It is a very good idea, however, you have to absolutely trust the 
people you give out the extension to.  The first time they send out one 
of those dumb _forward this to as many people as you can_ type emails 
then the cat is out of the bag.  You could then delete the extension 
and inform them not to do it again and give them a new one.  This, 
however, only applies if you actually see that they have made such a 
blunder.  :-)

[-----------[system uptime]--------------------------------------------]
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