On Thu, 02 Nov 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

First off, a little more description in the subject when you post to
the list helps us all prioritise a little more...I know it doesn't
change anything for you, but please try, and wrap your lines at <80

> - 9 times out of 10, the mail fails because of a 'no transport
> provider' error.  Basically the SMTP server isnt talking.

This is a client-specific error...so, what client are they using?
Sounds like a very typical M$ error to me... This info helps. Your
problem could be based on IP addresses... What addresses do your staff
get when they dial up, can they ping your mail server, can they telnet
to port 25, can you manually send mail on port 25 when dialed up? If
not, what is the error? This is standard error tracing for mail

Remember to make sure your dial-up users have access in /etc/tcp.smtp
(if set up as in LWQ).

"Is OS/2 only half an operating system ?"

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