qmail Digest 12 Nov 2000 11:00:01 -0000 Issue 1181

Topics (messages 52020 through 52036):

Re: Backups ??
        52020 by: Alexander Jernejcic

Re: short msg when online
        52021 by: Alexander Jernejcic

Re: re-smtp port
        52022 by: Kiran
        52025 by: Kiran

Maildir -- does it work with QPopper (Qualcomm POP3 server)
        52023 by: Aleksander Rozman - Andy
        52027 by: Nathan J. Mehl

Re: Setup Problem  & Life With Qmail
        52024 by: Timothy Legant

Re: relay-ctrl does not work
        52026 by: Tetsu Ushijima
        52028 by: Oliver Lehmann

Wanting to move the qmail queue.
        52029 by: Mark Thomas (Tech14)

Re: Courier
        52030 by: Matt Harrington

Script for sending mails to the owners of the accounts
        52031 by: ravivr.hughes-ecomm.com

Concurrency of qmail-command
        52032 by: Ellen Spertus

Re: very slow delivery
        52033 by: Jesse Reynolds
        52034 by: Timothy Legant

perl script acting funny
        52035 by: Greg Kopp
        52036 by: Russ Allbery


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Dennis wrote:
> How do you backup your users email ?
you could have a look at http://www.amanda.org . nice 
network backup tool with features i do apreciate (backup multiple 
clients cross networks, tape cycles, AFAIK no gui)


what about a little perl-script?
just a quick proposal:

open(QJT, "| /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject -f jakubski\@poczta.arena.pl") 
  or die ("oops error ...\n");
print QJT "To: Your\@Friend.dom\n";
print QJT "From: Me <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n",
              "Subject: I am Online\n",
              "chat with me... ";
close QJT;

let sort of this run from the script that takes you online...

hope that helps

> -----Original Message-----
> From: QBA [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 11:52 PM
> Subject: short msg when online
> Hi,
> I'd like to send a short message to my friend's mail account
> whenever I'm online (I got dynamic access to net). I know how to
> send all my mail when pppd starts but have no idea how to
> mail everytime one and the same message without editing it in mutt
> earlier. I wanna do it 'cause my friend gets sms everytime he got
> new mail on his account. And when he will know that I'm online
> we'd be able to chat to each other without any problems.
> Thanks for all tips in advance,

Thanks for that info. I was able to telnet to the particular port after
adding the lines in inetd.conf.

After this i was able to place the scripts etc for starting qmail
automatically while booting. While installing the ucspi-tcp package i
reliased that scripts for starting this were not avaliable . Could u giude
as to where to get these?

Thanks in Advance


----- Original Message -----
From: vasudeva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2000 1:27 PM
Subject: re-smtp port

> Hi,
>    could u inserted line related to smtp in
> /etc/inetd.conf.. ? if not include the following line
> # Smtp setup for qmail
>  smtp stream tcp nowait qmaild /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env
> tcp-env /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd
> and also check the file /etc/services the port 25
> shoulb be enabled.
> Ok try this and get back to me
> Vasu
> Systems Administrator
> Eximsoft Technologies Pvt ltd.
> Bangalore
> =====
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one Place.
> http://shopping.yahoo.com/


I was just looking into the logs. It gives an error message :
tcpserver: fatal: unable to bind: address already used.

What could this mean?

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2000 8:39 PM
Subject: Re: re-smtp port

> Hi,
> Thanks for that info. I was able to telnet to the particular port after
> adding the lines in inetd.conf.
> After this i was able to place the scripts etc for starting qmail
> automatically while booting. While installing the ucspi-tcp package i
> reliased that scripts for starting this were not avaliable . Could u giude
> as to where to get these?
> Thanks in Advance
> Regards
> Kiran
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: vasudeva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2000 1:27 PM
> Subject: re-smtp port
> > Hi,
> >    could u inserted line related to smtp in
> > /etc/inetd.conf.. ? if not include the following line
> > # Smtp setup for qmail
> >  smtp stream tcp nowait qmaild /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env
> > tcp-env /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd
> >
> > and also check the file /etc/services the port 25
> > shoulb be enabled.
> >
> > Ok try this and get back to me
> >
> > Vasu
> > Systems Administrator
> > Eximsoft Technologies Pvt ltd.
> > Bangalore
> > email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> > =====
> >
> >
> > __________________________________________________
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one Place.
> > http://shopping.yahoo.com/

Hi !

I am trying to convert all my mbox files to maildir format. I am wondering
if anyone tried to use maildir with QPopper, QUALCOMM's POP3 server. I am
using it from beginning and I like how good it works (now I use 3.0
version), but now I am not sure if it will work with this maildir format.
Did anybody tried to use this two together?

*  Aleksander Rozman - Andy  * Fandoms:  E2:EA, SAABer, Trekkie, Earthie *
*     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     * Sentinel, BH 90210, True's Trooper,       *
*    [EMAIL PROTECTED]   * Heller's Angel, Questie, Legacy, PO5,     *
* Maribor, Slovenia (Europe) * Profiler, Buffy (Slayerete), Pretender    *
*     ICQ-UIC: 4911125       *********************************************
*     PGP key available      *    http://www.atechnet.dhs.org/~andy/     *

In the immortal words of Aleksander Rozman - Andy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I am trying to convert all my mbox files to maildir format. I am wondering
> if anyone tried to use maildir with QPopper, QUALCOMM's POP3 server. I am
> using it from beginning and I like how good it works (now I use 3.0
> version), but now I am not sure if it will work with this maildir format.
> Did anybody tried to use this two together?

Qpopper does not work with maildirs.  Nor is it ever likely to.

You should take a look at qmail-pop3d, the pop3 daemon included in the
qmail distribution, or at http://www.vpopmail.cx/.


------------------------------------------------------------<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"When JFK was killed, America lost its innocence.  Now, several Kennedy deaths
later, we've all learned to just laugh at it.  Pretty soon we'll be killing
them for fun."                                                   (--The Onion)

On Sat, Nov 11, 2000 at 12:36:47AM -0600, Jeff Lacy wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am new to qmail, so please forgive my ignorance.  I tried to install qmail using 
>life with qmail under RH7.  When I run /etc/rd.d/init.d/qmail, it seems to start 
>okay.  Every 10 seconds something accesses the disk.  I think it is multilog.  I 
>probably have a little typo in one of the /var/qmail/supervise run files.  I looked, 
>but I can't see it.  Could someone please help me?  Pleae reply to my email address, 
> /var/log/qmail/current looks like: (I removed a zillion lines like these, though)
> @400000003a0cdf972be071dc alert: cannot start: unable to read controls
> @400000003a0cdf9736ead48c alert: cannot start: unable to read controls
> @400000003a0cdf98063ce6a4 alert: cannot start: unable to read controls
> @400000003a0cdf981131061c alert: cannot start: unable to read controls
> @400000003a0cdf981c2ebab4 alert: cannot start: unable to read controls
> @400000003a0cdf98271d7744 alert: cannot start: unable to read controls
> @400000003a0cdf983237f30c alert: cannot start: unable to read controls
> @400000003a0cdf990406f7bc alert: cannot start: unable to read controls
> @400000003a0cdf990efc8664 alert: cannot start: unable to read controls
> @400000003a0cdf9917857df4 alert: cannot start: unable to read controls
> @400000003a0cdf992287b6cc alert: cannot start: unable to read controls
> @400000003a0cdf992d8fa494 alert: cannot start: unable to read controls
> @400000003a0cdf9a128b3eec alert: cannot start: unable to read controls

[snip qmail-showctl output...]

This usually means that qmail can't read the control/ directory.
Because, for security reasons, qmail doesn't run as root, the qmail user
needs access to control/.

On my installation, the control/ directory permissions/ownership look
like this:

drwxr-xr-x   2 root    qmail  -  512 Aug 15 23:37 control/

and the contents of that directory is:

-rw-r--r--   1 root   qmail  -   12 Jan 27  2000 defaultdomain
-rw-r--r--   1 root   qmail  -   12 Jan 27  2000 defaulthost
-rw-r--r--   1 root   qmail  -   70 Jul 12 12:22 locals
-rw-r--r--   1 root   qmail  -   17 Jan 29  2000 me
-rw-r--r--   1 root   qmail  -   12 Jan 27  2000 plusdomain
-rw-r--r--   1 root   qmail  -   24 Aug 15 23:36 rcpthosts
-rw-r--r--   1 root   qmail  -   26 Aug 15 23:35 virtualdomains

Note how everything is group-readable and owned by the qmail group.
Check your permissions, make necessary changes and let us know if that


Oliver Lehmann writes:
> After the installation of relay-ctrl I changed the run script of pop3d
> from
> to
> [...]
> sh -c 'exec '\
> 'envuidgid qmaild '\
> 'softlimit ${DATALIMIT+"-d$DATALIMIT"} '\
> '/usr/local/bin/tcpserver '\
> '    -vUDRHl0 '\

Don't do that. The checkpassword program needs a root privilege.
relay-ctrl-allow was run as root just because it was run before 

> '/usr/local/sbin/relay-ctrl-allow' \    

This line should be:
'/usr/local/sbin/relay-ctrl-allow '\
(a space before a quote, not after)

Tetsu Ushijima

Hi Tetsu,

> > '/usr/local/sbin/relay-ctrl-allow' \
> This line should be:
> '/usr/local/sbin/relay-ctrl-allow '\

Thanks for your help.. but:

olivleh1@sina> telnet ernie 110
Connected to ernie.sesamestreet.net.
Escape character is '^]'.
user olivleh1
pass *
Error: relay-ctrl-allow cannot be run as root-ERR authorization failed
Connection closed by foreign host.

with this script:

exec 2>&1 \
envdir ./env \
sh -c 'exec '\
'softlimit ${DATALIMIT+"-d$DATALIMIT"} '\
'/usr/local/bin/tcpserver '\
'    -vDRHl0 '\
'    ${BACKLOG+"-b$BACKLOG"} '\
'    -xtcp.cdb '\
'    -- "${IP-0}" "${PORT-110}" '\
'/var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup `sed 1q /var/qmail/control/me` '\
'/usr/local/bin/checkpassword '\
'/usr/local/sbin/relay-ctrl-allow '\
'/var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir'


olivleh1@sina> telnet ernie 110
Connected to ernie.sesamestreet.net.
Escape character is '^]'.
user olivleh1
pass *

Connection closed by foreign host.

without the "relay-ctrl-allow" line....

any ideas?

Yours Olli
Having trouble in Windows? Reboot!
Having trouble in Unix? Be root!

Hello 'qmail list,

  I have a problem with outbound smtp mail.
  When I installed qmail, I ended up installing some of qmail in /var.
  Any outbound mail goes to the qmail queue on:
  /var/qmail/queue/mess.   There are 200 subdirectories under mess
  starting with 0 and working its way up to 199.

  My /var is only 20mb in size.  Big mistake!

  I would like to move the queue to /usr/home/vpopmail/smtp,or
  something under /usr.  I went back through the installation
  documents, and I don't see where I specified this location during the
  install, so I'm figuring it was a default.
  If this information is compiled during the install, how do you go
  about changing this without affecting other operations.
  If there is an easier something to do, I would be interested also.

  One other:
  How do most of you segment a hard drive of say 30gb or so?
  I have:
  /usr= remainder of 30gb.
  I am using  QMAIL+ VPOPMAIL for FreeBSD Install document By Flattie
  McGee  (Very nice instructions, Thanks very much to Flattie McGeee).

  It installs:
qmail-1.03.tar.gz                               : qmail!
daemontools-0.70.tar.gz                         : Useful tools
ucspi-tcp-0.88.tar.gz                           : Inetd replacement
vpopmail-4.8a.tar.gz                            : Virtual Domain/POP module
ezmlm-0.53.tar.gz                               : Mailing List module
autorespond-1.0.0.tar.gz                        : Auto Responder module
gdbm-1.8.0.tar.gz                               : Database routines
qmailadmin-0.30.tar.gz                          : Web Control Interface
  I also followed up with sqwebmail-0.37a

Best regards,
 Mark                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Quote of the Day:
"A lawyer is someone who writes an eighty-page document and calls it a brief!"

On Fri, Nov 10, 2000 at 01:08:15PM +1300, Jason Haar wrote:
> At the very least give maildrop a go. I was a die-hard procmail user for
> many years, but was beginning to have too many occassions of procmail
> swallowing all the RAM on my workstation to process a large mail message
> (procmail does all processing in RAM).

I agree that maildrop is definitely worth a try.  I find the syntax of the 
filter file much clearer than procmail's, and I imagine my users do as 

Built-in support for Maildirs in maildrop is a big win.  I'm surprised 
that maildrop doesn't have a bigger presence on http://www.qmail.org.

I have also used courier-imap with no problems.  Again, built-in Maildir 
support is great.


Hi all,

Iam running Qmail for our Messaging system with Quota system is implemented
for for our POP users.I want to send my users an
Email notification (to the owner ) automatically when 80% of his/her quota
completes.Is there any script for doing this.
Any help will be gratly appreciated.


I'm unable to figure out from the FAQ and man pages how much concurrency 
there is in local delivery when users have commands in their .qmail-* 
files.  To be concrete, assume the following files are in ~ellen:

| foo

| bar

My questions are:

1. If a message arrives for ellen-foo, qmail-local will begin running foo. 
If a second message to ellen-foo arrives while the first instance of foo is 
running, will two foo processes run at once?

2. Same question, but about messages sent to ellen-foo and 
ellen-bar.  Could the foo and bar processes run concurrently?

3. Am I right to assume that mail to different users is completely 
independent; i.e., my having a slow process won't delay other users from 
having their messages processed?

Thank you.

Ellen Spertus


I am having the same problem, where it takes 20 minutes for mail to 
be delivered, whether it's remote to local, local to remote, or local 
to local.

It seems that indeed the permissions on the trigger file are wrong, mine is:

prw-------  1 qmails  qmail  0 Oct 23 02:27 /var/qmail/queue/lock/trigger

Now, it has been taking 20 minutes to delever ever since I installed 
it. So presumably my installation didn't work properly, or has bugs 
in it. I'm using the FreeBSD ports collection to install qmail.

I am confused about Magnus's suggestion on how to fix it, ie do a 
"make setup" from the qmail source. Would it not be enough to 
manually fix the permissions with chmod?

If I cd to /usr/ports/mail/qmail and do "make setup" it response with 
"don't know how to make setup".



PS, this would be an excellent thing to have in the FAQ! It seems 
many people are having this problem.

>On Sat, Jul 01, 2000 at 05:09:47PM +0200, Mirko Koenig wrote:
>  > now the delivery and sending of messages takes 20 min.
>  > i write a message eg. in pine send it and then have to wait up to 20 min
>  > till its delivered.
>check the permissions of "/var/qmail/queue/lock/trigger"
># ls -l /var/qmail/queue/lock/
>total 1
>-rw-------   1 qmails   qmail           0 Mar  2  1999 sendmutex
>-rw-r--r--   1 qmailr   qmail        1024 Jul  1 19:58 tcpto
>prw--w--w-   1 qmails   qmail           0 Jul  1 20:58 trigger
>If it doesn't is "prw--w--w-", then do a "make setup" from the qmail source
>library again.

       Jesse Reynolds - Virtual Artists Pty Ltd - http://www.va.com.au
             Email: jesse (at) va.com.au        - http://virtual.artists

On Sun, Nov 12, 2000 at 03:13:16PM +1100, Jesse Reynolds wrote:
> Hi
> I am having the same problem, where it takes 20 minutes for mail to 
> be delivered, whether it's remote to local, local to remote, or local 
> to local.
> It seems that indeed the permissions on the trigger file are wrong, mine is:
> prw-------  1 qmails  qmail  0 Oct 23 02:27 /var/qmail/queue/lock/trigger
> Now, it has been taking 20 minutes to delever ever since I installed 
> it. So presumably my installation didn't work properly, or has bugs 
> in it. I'm using the FreeBSD ports collection to install qmail.

I used the FreeBSD port on FreeBSD 3.3 and my perms were set correctly.
This might be a bug in a later version of the port. I'd send a note to
the ports mailing list and CC the maintainer of the qmail port.

> I am confused about Magnus's suggestion on how to fix it, ie do a 
> "make setup" from the qmail source. Would it not be enough to 
> manually fix the permissions with chmod?

I don't know about this, but I suspect you are correct.

> If I cd to /usr/ports/mail/qmail and do "make setup" it response with 
> "don't know how to make setup".

You would have to run "make extract" in /usr/ports/mail/qmail, then cd
to work/qmail-1.03 and run the "make setup". The ports collection has
its own set of makefiles that create a subdirectory tree and run the
actual software's make. The ports make system doesn't understand the
setup or check targets.

> Cheers
> Jesse
> PS, this would be an excellent thing to have in the FAQ! It seems 
> many people are having this problem.



I have qmail and vpopmail installed on RH 6.2. I have a perl subroutine that
we use to send e-mail. Here is the code snipit:

sub mailto
{  $mailprog = '/usr/lib/sendmail';
   open(MAIL,"|$mailprog -t");
   my @args = @_;
   print MAIL "To: $args[0]\n";
   print MAIL "Bcc: $args[4]\n";
   print MAIL "From: $args[1]\n";
   print MAIL "Subject: $args[2]\n";
   print MAIL "$args[3]\n";
   close MAIL;

BUT when a mail message gets bounced, the message comes back to the user
that the web server is running as. Looking at the bounce, I see this:

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at ideastar.com.
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: failed after I sent the message.
Remote host said: 554 delivery error: dd This user doesn't have a yahoo.com
account ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - mta129.mail.yahoo.com

--- Below this line is a copy of the message.

Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Received: (qmail 509 invoked by uid 1001); 9 Nov 2000 20:20:12 -0000
Date: 9 Nov 2000 20:20:12 -0000
Subject: Thank you

Any ideas what could be causing this and any possible solutions?



Greg Kopp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have qmail and vpopmail installed on RH 6.2. I have a perl subroutine that
> we use to send e-mail. Here is the code snipit:

> sub mailto
> {  $mailprog = '/usr/lib/sendmail';
>    open(MAIL,"|$mailprog -t");
>    my @args = @_;
>    print MAIL "To: $args[0]\n";
>    print MAIL "Bcc: $args[4]\n";
>    print MAIL "From: $args[1]\n";
>    print MAIL "Subject: $args[2]\n";
>    print MAIL "$args[3]\n";
>    close MAIL;
> }

> BUT when a mail message gets bounced, the message comes back to the user
> that the web server is running as.

Bounces go back to the envelope sender.  If you want to change the
envelope sender, pass the -f option to the sendmail emulation program, as

    /usr/lib/sendmail -t -f [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])             <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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