I have trouble combine these two.

What I have done:
1. install daemontools, qmail and courier-imap
successfully (all are newest version)
2. ./run file for courier-imap
exec /usr/lib/courier-imap/libexec/imapd.rc start
3. ./log/run file
exec multilog t /var/log/courier-imapd
4. edit "couriertcpd" line in file imapd.rc 
   (1) delete -stderrlogger option
   (2) add 2>&1 to the end

What I got:
Nothing appears in /var/log/courier-imapd
but new .u files continue to appear

What I want:
using multilog instead of logger

If anybody knows how to solve it, please reply to this
Thanks a lot!

  Luby Gao 
  Department of Computer Science
  Hua Zhong University of Science and Technology 
  Wu Han, Hu Bei, 430074 
  P. R. China

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