Thus said Raul Miller on Sun, 19 Nov 2000 12:33:30 EST:

> Or do you have similar problems deciding whether ATM means automated
> teller machine or asychronous transfer mode?  Or deciding whether
> ASP means active server pages or application service provider?  Or ...

Not generally, however, I must admit that when...

> Don't care. What I care about is what the words mean in an actual
> language. In this case English. I do not recognize OSI as a standards
> body and do not care what definition of Open Source can be found at
> or the 

I was thrown off for a bit---I have never seen Open Source Initiative 
turned into an acronym, so the first time I say OSI I immediately 
thought he had qualms with the OSI model, because that was the only 
instance of OSI that I had ever seen (and I have been using "open 
source" software for a while now).

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