At 4:02 PM +0100 11/27/00, Hans-Juergen Schwarz wrote:
>Hallo all,
>I like to forward a Address in the form [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a .qmail
>File. So I created the file .qmail-j:g: but it doesn´t work. Message
>comes back with "Sorry no mailbox here by that name" What went
>wrong? How can I handle that? I´m using qmail 1.03 and vpopmail 4.9.4

The CONTENTS of the .qmail file should be the address to which you
want to forward mail and nothing else (assuming you aren't already
using a .qmail file for something else).

The NAME of the .qmail file is just that: .qmail

For example, if I have an account [EMAIL PROTECTED] and want all mail
delivered to [EMAIL PROTECTED] auto-forwarded to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I would
create a .qmail file in user's Home Directory called .qmail, the
contents of which is "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" on a single line (no quotes).


REFERENCE:  # man dot-qmail or
ALSO: http://Web.InfoAve.Net/~dsill/lwq.html#dot-qmail-files


    ^^^ <--- Off-line unless someone knows how to get camserv to
             compile under RedHat 7...  *sigh*  :-(

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