Hello everyone!

Im sorry if this question has been asked 100000 times and im #

I admin quite a large mail server that is currently running
sendmail/qpopper, it has about 60000 accounts on it currently.  I know
that UNIX has a limit on the UID's of 65534, any file that has a UID
higher than that number defaults back to UID0..

I hoped to solve this problem by upgrading to Qmail+its popper program
and use MySQL to authenicate both.  I would move (via long scripts and
perl :) /var/spool/mail/<uname> to hashed home directories
/var/spool/mail/a/a<uname>, /var/spool/mail/b/b<uname>, etc, etc.. to
get rid of that nasty problem when a unix file system as too many
files/directories in one main directory.

I have read the MySQL patch, and from what I understand, the user
accounts still need a UID in the MySQL database, as well as their home
directories need to be owned by the UID assigned to them in MySQL...
Now if the OS has a limit of 65534 UID's how can I fit more than that
on one machine (actually its two machines, a smtp and pop3 with the
mail spools mounted to pop3 over NFS)?

My question now, How can I use MySQL to overcome this 65534 ceiling
with Qmail?  Will assigning them all the same UID solve this problem?
I know that some *VERY* large e-mail servers run this program and I
would like to know how they manage to house so many people when you
can only have 65k users due to the OS constraints.  Show me oh wise
ones of Qmail <bowing>..  Just so you all know, being a Sendmail geek
migrating to Qmail, I find qmail to have a greater learning curve to
setup (which isnt that much) but is 10000000x better in the long run..


'I sense much NT in you. NT leads to blue screen, blue screen leads to
downtime, downtime leads to much suffering.' --- unknown linux jedi


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