I've seen this over and over and over.  Someone joins the list, probably
because they are having problems (the same reason I joined), posts a
question, and then has to wade through the wave of crap thrown back at them
by a bunch of rude jerks with nothing better to do with their time that to
berate you and tell you they are too busy to be bothered.  The mind boggles
at how important their work is that they are unable to help, yet they have
plenty of time to post novella's about how busy they are and how lazy you
are for not solving the problem without their help.  I gotta hint, don't
wanna bother with a person's question?  DON'T ANSWER IT!  There, wasn't that

On a side note, I've tried to unsubscribe from the list because of exactly
this kind of crap from self-important jerks who seem to get a charge out of
kicking people when they are down, but the damn server tells me I'm not
subscribed so it can't unsubscribe me.  Go figure.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jamin Collins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 10:22 AM
To: 'Henning Brauer'; Jamin Collins; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: List Courtesy (was Newbie question)

Since you've asked, my problem with your posting specifically is as follows:

>Suresh, for first writing such nonsens to the list and asking me for help
>list does not fit together. before asking other busy people for help (it is

>no paid support staff here, we all have our work to do!), you should

There is no need to refer to his posting as "such nonsense".  Additionally,
there is no call/need for the statement about "busy people".  I believe it
is well known that people read this list on their time and any answer is
essentially a donation from their time.  However, conversely, no one is
forced to read or answer these postings.  Everyone (to my knowledge) does
this of their own free will.  As such, asking for help (whether on the right
list or not) is in no way wrong.  Berating someone for doing so is rude.

I'm glad your installation went so smoothly.  However, many other's do not.
I'm sure that many of these come down to simply syntax errors.  I will admit
that I had a few in my first installations.  These would have been easily
corrected by another set of eyes.  However, due to the repeatedly rude and
snappy reply's from this list, I did not post concerning my initial

As for the statement you claim I made "the docs are all so bad because i
couldn't install qmail with
them", I did not say this.  I simply stated that I was unsuccessfull in my
attempts to install qmail using them.  I did not state they were bad, I even
stated that I was sure they would be of help if I were to use them at my
current point.  In short, I believe they may be a little lacking when it
comes to helping someone completely new to qmail.  This may not be the case
of all new users, but it is the case for at least a few.

Jamin W. Collins

-----Original Message-----
From: Henning Brauer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 9:35 AM
To: Jamin Collins; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: List Courtesy (was Newbie question)

I don't see your problem. he was on the wrong list as this is qmail-ldap
specific. he posted to the qmail-ldap list too, so nobody can tell me he
didn't know about this list. I answered anyway.  I asked him if the file
mentioned in the error msg exists. if so, i requested more info than one
of log. if not this had proven that he didn't read a single line of

in general everybody posting questions here should have a thought who's
answering, and that these people are no paid support staff. so i can expect
that the poster has
-read the docs
-spent some thoughts one what he's writing
-spent some thoughts on what information would be needed for support
-provided full logs somewhere for download

If he only posts a single line from the log without even mentioning the file

exists and it is readable, without telling us os, qmail version, patch
version, ldap server and version, it's somehow sure that he hasn't spent any

thought on that.
Dan used a subject of "How to discourage free software support" on a mail
regarding this on the dns list. that's exactly the point IMHO.

btw, i did my first qmail installation (long tome ago...) within one hour
without any third party documentation aside from a problem with daemontools,

i solved this with a short look to lwq. i don't know why you did not
but telling us "the docs are all so bad because i couldn't install qmail
them" is an inadequate statement.




Henning Brauer         |  BS Web Services
Hostmaster BSWS      |  Roedingsmarkt 14
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  20459 Hamburg
www.bsws.de            |  Germany

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