I don't disagree with anything you said.  My mail wasn't aimed at the people
who politely say RTFM and provide pointers to said FM.  It was aimed at the
jack asses that spend their time berating newbies and clogging the group
with diatribes about how important their time is, rather than providing
constructive input.  If they don't believe the person "deserves" their
input, why spend all that time belittling them?  I don't see how I
misunderstood anything.

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 11:34 AM
To: John W. Lemons III
Subject: Re: List Courtesy (was Newbie question)

"John W. Lemons III" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The mind boggles at how important their work is that they are unable
> to help, yet they have plenty of time to post novella's about how
> busy they are and how lazy you are for not solving the problem
> without their help.

This shows just how much you misunderstand.

The people who know qmail are not mad at you and the people you're
defending because they're too busy, or anything like that.

It's the attitude that mailing lists like this are free resources that
can be exploited.  Places you can take from without giving.

Get this through your head: NOTHING IS FREE.  Nobody is obligated to
help you for free.  Whining because nobody is willing to do your work
for you for no recompense is NOT appreciated.

Sure, nobody gets paid for giving advice here, but it doesn't mean
that it's for free.  The cost of being helped is that YOU have to do
most of the work.  If you don't like that fee structure, then go to
somebody you pay dollars for.

People will willingly volunteer their expertise, their knowledge; they
will NOT volunteer to do all the hard work for you.  Why do you expect
them to?

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