Dear Markus,

I know that, but did you read all the e-mail?
I'd like to know how I can access the descriptors sent by the qmail-popup!
What are these descriptors in POP's USER-PASS style?
And the rest of my doubts are in the first email.

Regards Cleiton

Markus Stumpf gravada:

> On Mon, Dec 04, 2000 at 12:05:17PM -0200, Cleiton L. Siqueira wrote:
> >     I need to access this descriptor, but I donīt know how I can catch
> > them.
> This is a perl programming problem, not a qmail one.
> Check out the section "checkpassword" at
> there are examples of perl versions of checkpassword that can be
> used as coding examples.
>         \Maex
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