Am Mittwoch,  6. Dezember 2000 22:04 schrieb Thomas Duterme:

> > How about increasing your concurrencyremote to something
> > like 100?  you most likely are hitting your limits.
> Good point.  Will try that tonight.  I've gotten some
> problems before from ISP's blocking us
> when I went up to 240...I'm not quite sure what the highest
> polite limit on this should be.

Hmm, even with 20 concurrent connections our servers was blocked by some 
braindead freemailer's servers when one of our customers sent out a 
I don't think there is a common "highest polite limit", you have to figure it 
out for your country, even for your typical recipients.




Henning Brauer         |  BS Web Services
Hostmaster BSWS        |  Roedingsmarkt 14
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     |  20459 Hamburg            |  Germany

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