On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 01:52:04PM -0600, Sam Laffere wrote:
> Because of the 'giving_up' message, is it still retrying the same bad
> address again?


> What does the 'done' mean on some of the messages in the qread dump?  And
> will they clean out automagicly?

Yes, that was a message with multi recipients and some of the addresses
(the "done" ones) have been delivered. Others have not so the email
ist still sitting in your queue.

> Is there a 'filter' I can install to prevent qmail-remote from sending the
> emails from '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' on to mx1.tri.net?

- add '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' to control/badmailfrom
- get qmhandle from
- stop qmail-send and qmail-smtpd
- remove the messages that are from/to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' from the
- restart qmail-send and qmail-smtpd

"dictionary spams" are evil. If you can't stop it just at the beginning
when they come in, cleanup is much work to do.

last we had something which is IMHO even more evil, a "dictionary sender
spam" where the spammer abused a domain of a customer of ours and
injected bulks of about 100-500 messages each with a different sender
within the abused domain via relay open mailservers. results in ten
thousands of bounces from mailservers all over the world to some
hundered different addresses :(( All you can do is watch them coming,
check for new addresses and add them to the badrcptto file (if you have
the patch installed and I would urge everyone to do so).


SpaceNet AG               |   http://www.Space.Net/   | Stress is when you wake
Research & Development    | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | up screaming and you
Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 14 |  Tel: +49 (89) 32356-0    | realize you haven't
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