Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 18:33:08 -0600 (CST)

   We have experienced very bad email floods from the 
   Bare CRLF code in Qmail, where another site that
   didn't understand the error and will keep sending
   the same message forever.  It seems to be automated
   email programs and Microsoft SMTP servers, they will
   just try the same message until they are put in the
   badmailfrom file.  I am not sure why this is not a
   subject that has come up more, I would think others
   would have had this problem.  From what I can tell
   Qmail would be better if it could somehow prevent
   a server from doing this, the foreign hosts tend to
   not listen to the way it currently complains to them.
   We finally just commented out the Bare CRLF clauses
   and we no longer have these floods occur.  I am 
   wondering how many others have come accross this 
   problem and if this was how they dealt with it
   or some other way?  One example of a site that did
   this was '' which I am not sure
   if they still have that problem, but it was thier
   automated email responder.  We noticed this after 
   getting very large servers, and don't know if that 
   really made it show up or what?  

I've seen this too, in my case from sites in China.

One easy fix is to change 451 to 554 in the string in straynewline in
qmail-smtpd.c.  This changes a temporary error condition to a
permanent one, and normally causes the errant e-mail server to give up


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