>    We have experienced very bad email floods from the 
>    Bare CRLF code in Qmail, where another site that
>    didn't understand the error and will keep sending
>    the same message forever.  It seems to be automated
>    email programs and Microsoft SMTP servers, they will
>    just try the same message until they are put in the
>    badmailfrom file.  I am not sure why this is not a
>    subject that has come up more, I would think others
Actually this subject appears pretty frequently on this list.

> One easy fix is to change 451 to 554 in the string in straynewline in
> qmail-smtpd.c.  This changes a temporary error condition to a
> permanent one, and normally causes the errant e-mail server to give up
> immediately.
And that's one of the two solutions. The other is to use the fixcrio utility. Search in
the archive on "fixcrio".



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