I am trying to get a better understanding of the interoperation and I have tried
the archives but can't find the answer I am looking for.

I have qmail working by using Sill's LWQ, but I don't understand how the programs
qmail-send and qmail-smtp are linked to the multilog program.  I see that they
are both started independently and that multilog accepts input in STDIN, but
I don't see how qmail-* knows about multilog and knows to send to its STDIN.

Further adding to my confusion is the line in section 2.9 "Note that using these
instructions, logging will be accomplished by multilog, not splogger".  My 
file (from LWQ)states 'qmail-start ./Maildir splogger qmail'.  That tells me
that splogger is being used.  

Can someone please describe the link for me?  Why does LWQ say to put splogger
on qmail-start command line if it does not even get used?

much thanks.

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