On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 02:16:28AM +0100, Henning Brauer wrote:
> Am Samstag, 30. Dezember 2000 02:04 schrieb David Nim:
> > Since the vast majority of people use smtp, trying qmtp first would
> > needless waste a lot of time, packets, and probably create confusion.  A
> > better solution would probbaly be to use esmtp to query for qmtp like
> > capability.
> There is one problem left: qmqpd relays for everyone, this need sto be 
> changed beforre opening qmqp for everybody.

You've missed the topic, he talks about qmtp not qmqp.

IMHO, qmtp is there for avoiding smtp protocol 'latency', so querying
qmtp service via esmtp won't much help, especially because there is
already esmtp pipelining. I could be wrong, though :-)


P.Y. Adi Prasaja

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