Am Samstag,  6. Januar 2001 04:06 schrieb Ould:
> Thank you Henning for reply.
> In my research to put architecture
> like this:
> Internet--Routeur--Fierwall--DMZ--fierwall--Lan
>                       Qmail Relay       Qmail Lan
> I never find an explicitely DOC telling me: put in your me,
> rcphosts, locals, ... files of Qmail Relay blah, blah...,
> and in those of your Qmail Lan blah, blah,..., ET VOILA!
> and don't post to the mailing list a lot of mails dealing
> with this idea ;)
> I think that any begineer needs strongly DOCs like this and
> no getting a part of solution of his problem somtimes from
> you, Dave, Greg, and so on. But, I never find a detailled
> DOCS which do that. So, my goal is to make it available in
> the future. I had experienced several frustrations even
> with qmail installation, and want newbe's to avoid going
> "dans tous les sens"! Are you ready?

As I've written: an experienced unix administrator won't have problems 
setting this up without an explicit documentation IMHO, but it looks like 
there are more and more people switching to unix and qmail the same time (ar 
lets say: trying to get qmail running without much unix knowledge and mail in 
general). Especially for those this could be a good help, so go on writing.

> About the architecture, I think that I'm true. I read
> recently several articles by consultants in security,
> architects,... about this subject (i.e. putting smtp relay
> in DMZ and real mail server in the Lan, and the appriate
> related fierwall configuration). 

This is a common architecture. Not suitable for us as we are an ISP, but 
common and IMHO good.

> This is not so older or
> frequent architecture as the IBM PC! Particularly with MTA
> like qmail.

I just wouldn't call qmail new - the newest version is 1.03, 
qmail-1.03.tar.gz is dated june 1998. It is anyway modern ;-))

> Another example: are you already seeing a DOCs tolking
> about how setting up a web based mail using qmail with the
> fameous IMP/Horde webmail whatever the emplacement of your
> web site (on the Relay or the Lan servers)? If you know it
> please inform me.

Yes. Read the documentation for courier-imap and the doumentation for IMP ;-))
I prefer sqwebmail anyway.

> Anyway I'm still looking for a complete list of control
> files from you :-(

if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then 
  echo usage: $0 domain lanservershostname

echo `hostname` > /var/qmail/control/me
echo $1 > /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts
echo $1:$2 > /var/qmail/control/smtproutes

(not tested, but should be complete)

> Do You Yahoo!?



Henning Brauer         |  BS Web Services
Hostmaster BSWS        |  Roedingsmarkt 14
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     |  20459 Hamburg            |  Germany

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