> Laurence Brockman writes:
>  > I'm going to jump into the discussion here and ask why we don't do something
>  > like perl has done with cpan? They don't call them patches, or upgrades, or
>  > anything else. They call them Modules and have a central repository that
>  > users can go and search from. I think this would be ideal for qmail.org
>  > site... 
> He's done *just that*.  That's what program delivery in a .qmail file
> is for.  That's what qmail-getpw is for.  That's what users/assign is
> for.  That's what qmail-queue is for.  Nobody patches the source of
> perl -- they just go to the published APIs and add things.  So why are 
> we patching qmail instead of writing replacements?

What do you mean by "writing replacements"?  That people should write
their own mail servers, rather than try to enhance qmail?

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