On Tue, Jan 16, 2001 at 07:48:05PM -0500, Aaron Carr wrote:
> As for updating qmail, I would be all for a new version of qmail with some
> of the more useful (nearly mandatory) plugins already added.  A couple I can
> think of is the oversize DNS packet patch for qmail, and possibly
> qmail-scanner ( with the option to disable it if not needed).  After last
> nights virus fiasco on this list, is there anyone who doesn't think it might
> be a welcome addition to a standard qmail install?  : )

Don't bloat qmail. One of the greatest things about qmail is its size.
You may want to discuss the uselessness of virii scanners with Felix ;-))

> As for who would decide what is useful and what isn't?  I would assume DJB
> or perhaps a small panel of qmail experts appointed by DJB could vote on
> additions to the mail install.

I see exactly two patches which could be part of stock qmail: the AOL dns
patch and Russels qmtp/mxps-patch for qmail-remote.

Henning Brauer     | BS Web Services
Hostmaster BSWS    | Roedingsmarkt 14
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 20459 Hamburg
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